Crispy upper fan leaves - FAQ not helping


Active Member
Hi all, thanks for checking...

I'm about 4 weeks into flowering with a DWC / fluoro closet grow. I've been using FF FloraNova since transition, PPM between 900-1200. During my last res PPM rose pretty high (1600) but there were no ill effects (that was 2 1/2 weeks back).

Did a res change this week, after resting it was reading 1100 ppm pH 6.1. I usually try to stay closer to 5.8 but I've been in the 6.1's and .2's without issue before.

Two days after res change, on one of my two girls, the upper fan leaves began to get dry and yellowish overnight. I've read the FAQ and came up with radiant heat or magnesium, but I'm not certain. The other girl is fine with same water and lights, so it seems weird. The affected plant seems to be slowing. It's a shame too because I don't think she has much more flower in her, and I wanted all I can get.

Again, lower fan leaves are just fine which tends to rule out magnesium, but radiant heat suddenly occurring on just one of the two seems suspicious. Any help is appreciated.

Pics of one of the affected leaves:



Active Member
I know I'm a stranger and all but that hasn't stopped y'all before...

The pics are not showing the color well - the affected areas are not yellow but yellowing, light-greening, oranging. Under a scope, it looks like a damn wasteland. I can't believe no one else has had upper fan leaves suddenly go to shit overnight?

Please, brothers and sisters - any advice is appreciated - even if you agree with what I said in post one!