Critical autoflowering grow (single plant)


Well-Known Member
Looking healthier today, soil is pretty dry so I think I will give her a well deserved watering tomorrow with full strength nutes! I had to pull off the bottom fan leaf today because it was dead, but all the other leaves are in pretty good shape considering so I'm happy with that. I also think I will get a secret jardin and a reflector for the CFL asap so that I can finish off the grow, It's not receiving 100% darkness and there is no way to modify the box so I don't really have any other option. Let the growth continue!



Well-Known Member
The smell when I turn the fans off for a bit is unreal, i can't imagine how bad it will be when it is in harvest.


Well-Known Member
Decided to take the plant out of the box for photos now as it is getting really cramped in there right now :P I gave her a watering today with some full strength veg nutes and full strength bloom nutes. It is clearly in flowering now as the first bud is trying to emerge from the top right now, not sure about the PH of the water I put in but we will soon see how she reacts to it, also a few of the bottom leaves are starting to get really low right now and are almost touching the ground, should I be worried about this? And finally she's a girl, she is showing her pistils proudly.



Well-Known Member
A wire from my fans came loose today so they were off for most of the day and the plant was roasting, it was mid 40 degree temps in there before I got the fans on, and who said CFL's dont get hot :P The plant seems to be fine though, I guess I caught it in time. The whole bottom set of fan leaves are touching the soil now, the plant better raise them up a bit pretty shortly.



Well-Known Member
Not much to report, one of the bottom leaves is starting to twist so I will need to check my PH tomorrow before I water and feed it. Decent vertical growth although the bottom leaves are still touching the ground. Till tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Same as yesterday really, a few of the leaves on the bottom are getting droopy even though I haven't watered it in 3 days. It's been 10 days since I switched to 12/12, is there a reason that my plant isn't flowering? I can't get the temps lower than 30c/87f in there, could this be stunting growth? I am at a loss of what to do here, it is not dying on me, but it's not growing either, or should this be expected with a 125w cfl with no reflector?



Well-Known Member
move it under a window and just open it a little bit to let some cold air (i'm assuming its cold where you are) flow over the box. thats what im doing with my seedlings right now


Well-Known Member
I try to leave the window open, living in Ireland so it's not that cold yet :p Anyway I watered her with a litre of tap water with full strength biobloom and some PH down thrown in there. Don't have a measuring thing for nutes, or a ph checker for water so I am just guessing amounts. I hope she starts to do something soon!



Well-Known Member
I finally got a grow tent! I could only go with a 60X60X160 cm tent for now due to space constraints but further down the line I will use this as a tent for vegging clones and have a bigger tent for flowering. It has dropped the temps from 30c/87f to 20c/69f which is awesome, it shouldn't drop much at nighttime either as the lights are not creating much heat at all and I have placed them about 4 inches above the plant. My only problems now are I need to get a reflector for my CFL to maximise the amount of light my plant is getting and I don't have any way of getting any airflow going throughout the tent, I will look into that tomorrow after work and see if I can pick up some cheap fans that won't blow to harshly on the plant. Anyway enough talk, time for pictures!



Well-Known Member
I got some air moving around the plant with the help of a household fan :d Some of the leafs have curled up a bit but maybes that's because of the change in light, or air or temp or something. I think my next grow will be AK-48 with no hiccups from the start. Anywa I'll leaves you with the pic of the day.



Well-Known Member
Overnight it really spread its wings and it is not as bushy and dense as it was, gained some height as well, hopefully she keeps going this well into the future, might get a decent yield off it then.



Well-Known Member
I gave her the first proper watering she has ever received, took 2.5 litres to get some run off going which I had full strength nutes in. I figured it was time to flush out some of the crap I have put into her in her abused life. Now she will either blossom into life or die because I gave her too many nutes :d. Also as you can see in the pic some of the leaves are pointing up, that is what my household fan has done to the leaves. It is too strong and I can't do anything about it until I get a new fan for her tomorrow. Temp is holding steady now at about 24c on/21c off. So it's perfect for the plant!



Well-Known Member
Wow the plant's really responded well to the watering and feeding, I wasn't watering it enough up until now so that may explain the slow growth :( It grew probably close to an inch in 24 hours and is really starting to branch out. Let the growth continue!
