Critical HOG 2 or 3 more weeks?


So I am on my 8th week of flowering now. I am thinking either doing one more week of nutes and then 2 week flush (very low ppm of nutes) or should I go 2 week flush now. Majority of the trichs are cloud and I am seeing some amber start to popup. This is one plant.

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benton OG

Well-Known Member
Those buds look solid man. What type of lighting are you using? Good job on the pics also I bet you are tripping on those beautiful colors of the bud.


Those buds look solid man. What type of lighting are you using? Good job on the pics also I bet you are tripping on those beautiful colors of the bud.
Its a 600w in a cool tube. Nothing to crazy.

Think I will start the flush wednesday, keep it around 500ppm or so. Flush it for a 1 1/2 weeks or 2.


Well-Known Member
I was just going to crack this seed and stumbled upon your conversation here. How did she finish and smoke?