Critical jack herer auto light schedule


Active Member
Hey everyone
Newbie grower I'm trying to figure out lighting schedule for crit jack auto some say 12/12 some say 18/6 or 24/0 what's everyone opinion here thanks a lot for your time


Well-Known Member
Us professional growers know that proper lighting consists of 2 stages - veg state and flower state. From the minute the seedling (or clone) hits the dirt the clock starts running. We use either 20/4 or 24/0 light schedule for the first 4-6 weeks of life. This is vegging and I let my plants grow while vegging until they are about 20 inches. When they reach 20 inches they are moved into the flower room where the lights are at 12/12. This is flowering stage and lasts 6-8 weeks. Let your gals veg until they are half as tall as you want them to finish at. I know my plants will pretty much double in height during flower period as I harvest them around 40 inches. Works 4 me, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
P.S. I am familiar with the strain you are growing and make the following suggestion -- the Critical Jack from Delicious Seeds is a form of orangebud. In the 4-5 week flowering the white pistils will start to turn orange in color. Wait until half the pistils are orange before harvesting. I grow 'em fast and hot (big light, nute-water daily) and find this strain ready to harvest at 6 weeks. Jack's sister from Delicious, Critical Sensi Star or CSS, is even more of an orangebud phenotype as is presently my favorite as a production plant. BigSteve.


Not sure what BigSteve is talking about....He must of missed that you're referring to auto's. Definitely do not give an auto 12/12 on light...... 20 on 4 off works well for the entire cycle when dealing with autoflowers.....
FWIW. I had a few plants in flower at 12/12 in November. Since I had space, I put 2 atuos in at 12/12 from seed. Plants never got too big, but they produced 24+ and 26+g of very high quality bud. Citical jack herer auto and Northern blue light auto.
I would not hesitate to do this again.