Critical Jack, White Widow, Connie Chung - 1st indoor mac gyver style.


Active Member
so, i woke up this morning and couldnt wait any longer. cut all three of them and they are now drying. i didnt manage to snap some more pics before that, but i took som of the harvest. i still have no idea how much i might get. dont have a scale yet, but ill get one once they are dry. im still hoping somewhere around 100gr.

anyway, here is my first indoor harvest. first the white widow, then the connie chung, and lastly the critical jack twins. :joint:




Hey Mive! Congrats on the harvest! I'm currently growing Critical Jack and White Widow indoors. They've been in veg for 30 days now and I'm getting ready to switch into flower mode. Any tips as far as that goes? Also a smoke report would be nice! :joint:


Well-Known Member
keen to learn more on the yield of the connie chung. I have one
now that is 46 days veg and LST.


Active Member
quick final update:

they have dried for 8 days now and the stems snap once bending, so its time for the curing. i ended up buying a nice digital scale for 16euros, which i thought was quite a nice deal. here is the final weight before curing:

connie chung 36g
white widow 46g
critical jack 55g

all together 137grs, roughly 4.8 ounces. considering that this was my first indoor try and my expectations didnt really exceed the 100grs, im well happy and should be sorted with some good smoke for the next couple of weeks. round 2 is already on the go, which ill post in another thread at some point when it becomes interesting.

the connie chung is by far the most spicey one of them and the white widow quite sweet. havent smoked too much of the critical jack yet, but it smells very fruity.

cc 1 wk dry.jpg

finally the bliss of not having worry about getting any smoke anymore :joint:

:peace: everyone!


Active Member
How tall was the connie chung when you took her out?

Nice work.

it was about 50cms high, if that info is still useful ;)

i have since grown the special queen and sour ak in the last cycle. special queen is very smooth and the sour ak a little bit too fruity, for my liking, but its getting the sativa side of it nicely done.
ive just cut the lsd today and now, only have a mother plant in the tent that i grew on the balcony for about 2 months. probably the biggest plant ive had so far and its another critical jack, which imo was the best smoke from my first grow. the plant was topped once and then super cropped to keep her from growing too high. she's been in the tent for 3 weeks now and it took her some time to adjust with the first hairs appearing after 2 weeks.

here is a picture of when i put her in the tent. ill post some more when it gets interesting.




Well-Known Member
You said you had one seed that gave you two seedlings? Did both of those critical jacks sprout from the same seed?


Active Member
You said you had one seed that gave you two seedlings? Did both of those critical jacks sprout from the same seed?
yo, yea, thats right. had some twins in that grow.

here is an update from today. 3 weeks into flowering. despite my best efforts, the tops of two buds must have stretched a little too much during a 1 week absence last week. ive since adjusted the height of the lamp and am now at my max size. lights cant go any higher but should be alright, i reckon.

enjoy and :peace:



Active Member
couple more pics from this morning. fed her molasses for the first time 2 days ago, so kinda excited to see if there is any visible change from last grow. also im using different bloom fertilizer as well. still only organic grow.

enjoy and :peace:



Active Member
some more pictures from this morning. this is the phase that is by far the most enjoyable for myself and the camera :D




Active Member
it should be time to cut somewhere between the next 3 weeks, i reckon. we shall see.

here are some pics from today :joint:




Active Member
some pics from this morning. nothing to complaint apart from the stems getting easily bent it seems. had this the first round with the crit. jack as well. maybe thats a good thing because of the bud size? looks good to me anyway. :joint:





looking great, you have alot of amber pistils for so early. The weight of the buds can be the reason but I wouldnt say those buds are big enough yet to bend stems, mayb its the strain or your feeding regime?
looks awesome though, definately gonna have some lovely bud. you heard of yoyos? they are gd for holding plants upright


Active Member
looking great, you have alot of amber pistils for so early. The weight of the buds can be the reason but I wouldnt say those buds are big enough yet to bend stems, mayb its the strain or your feeding regime?
looks awesome though, definately gonna have some lovely bud. you heard of yoyos? they are gd for holding plants upright
hi there buddy, thanks for popping in. i also get the feeling that the plant is quite far along already and the bending is probably the strain. im dealing with it for now and maybe start the flushing sooner then expected. i have not heard of yoyos for botanical reasons, for playing sure but guess google is gonna have to help me on that. thanks for the suggestion though!

here is another picture update from this morning after i fed molasses, probably for the last time. enjoy! :joint:




Active Member
cheers mate. might think about another investment before the next cycle. got most of the bending buds supported with some cords now.

here are some pics from this morning. feed her a good dosage again this morning and from the looks of it, will have to start the flushing now, so i can harvest next weekend.




Yeh you should definately be thinking about flushing her now when she has so many amber pistils..... how shes smelling??