Critical Kush (Barneys Farm)

That biostim stuff is great hey, I actually know the CSIRO guys that make it lol.
I was thinking root rot or pythium too, the roots looked like they were browning pretty quickly.
@GrapeNut did you try the ice water bottle in the res? 25 celcius is pretty much perfect temp for root rot.
wow...small world lol, yes its good gear, im outdoors but the pythium/fusarium/botrytis & other root roots infected my grow area & basically nuked everything i planted for years, they would get to the size of our friend grapenuts specimen then that was it...just frozen in time..i did not know anything about plant diseases at the time and it took 3yrs to finally work out what it was, many thousands of great seedlings/plants were wiped out by those filthy root rot diseases...its not that im a large grower, its just that i tried soo many different methods of getting rid of the problem every batch of plants was wiped out, but i just kept on planting in the hope every new method i tried would the end of 3yrs a huge amount of great beans were gone...worst time in my grow history for sure, in fact i was planning on moving to an entirely new area just to leave those dreaded diseases behind me
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wow...small world lol, yes its good gear, im outdoors but the pythium/fusarium/botrytis & other root roots infected my grow area & basically nuked everything i planted for years, they would get to the size of our friend grapenuts specimen then that was it...just frozen in time..i did not know anything about plant diseases at the time and it took 3yrs to finally work out what it was, many thousands of great seedlings/plants were wiped out by those filthy root rot diseases...its not that im a large grower, its just that i tried soo many different methods of getting rid of the problem every batch of plants was wiped out, but i just kept on planting in the hope every new method i tried would the end of 3yrs a huge amount of great beans were gone...worst time in my grow history for sure, in fact i was planning on moving to an entirely new area just to leave those dreaded diseases behind me
Yeah man, root diseases suck balls, had one a few grows ago and put it down to high res temps, scrapped the whole crop!
Yeah man, root diseases suck balls, had one a few grows ago and put it down to high res temps, scrapped the whole crop!
i didnt have the resources to find the answer to the prob...being a remote area, i never knew anything about fungal diseases, i thought for years it was insects etc...& went down the path of deterring every bug in the area..which of course was futile...just a long ongoing nightmare for 3yrs, even now i know those fungal diseases are still ingrained in the soil & i use a lot of biostim, much more than whats recommended, im still worried about those gremlins
So after a wrote my post I did a reservoir change with 1/4 strength nutes and within 24 hours massive new growth took place as seen in the pictures. I topped the two new growths bringing the total to 4 main stalks. Also I notice that the roots took on a slight brown tint (im assuming from the nutes which have a brown color to them). What worries me is the point where all the roots extend from, there is a dark brown slime present on them similar to that of the roots that rotted.

From the results that occurred I am assuming the browning of the leaves could have possibly be caused due to some lack of nutrients (what other reason could it have been if the explosion of new growth doesn't exhibit any of the drying out or browning that the lower leaves did.)

As for the slime, I am worried and unsure what to do. that section of the plant sits above the water and only is occasionally splashes, it is unable to soak in the dutch master gold zone due to this. Any recommendations on how to treat this?

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That's pythium man, root slime :( it will destroy your crop. You need to get your res temp down to 68F and get some serious air bubbles going. Oxygen will kill the pythium and the roots will love it, keeping the temps below 71F is what you need to keep it away.
So Ive been doing allot lately, firstly my treatment of the roots. The first two images show the roots in their state once I removed the plant from the setup. I then ran cold water over the top portion that looked gunky which cleared allot of the sludge away. Next I did further cleanup with an xacto blade cutting away all the root that had any slime on it.

I also switched my DWC system to something much more simple, I am now using a 5 gallon bucket with a ALITA Sintered Disc diffuser. I am still using quarter strength nutrient solution with Dutch Master GoldZone.

After this was done I decided to start some training, as you can see from the last four images I used soft wire ties to spread the two main stalks apart.

Now all that's left is to wait and see what will happen. I would also like to note that since my last post the new growth has gotten much larger and is remaining very green. Also with the plant now in this 5 gallon bucket system allot more of the root mass is suspended above the water since the water line isnt filled as high has the tote I was originally using. Is this something I should worry about or will the suspended roots be fine?

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It's looking a lot better dude! Sounds like changing it over was a good idea, the oxygenation will help immensely! If you can get your res temps down to 20-23, you'll have a better chance of the slime not coming back, the don't survive in colder water. Good to see it looking better mate. Give it a week and go up to 1/2 - 3/4 nutes, she'll take off!
Also meant to say that soaking the roots in a solution of H2O2 for a few mintues will also help to kill the slime!
So growth is really picking up but im starting to notice some brown spotting around the edges of the leaves. Im assuming its a deficiency maybe calcium?

So I did a reservoir change and upped the nutes to half strength.
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Don't be too quick to think it's a deficiency hey, rust spots are usually a sign that something in your grow is off. The brown spots could actually be fungi. Are you still only just using the inline fan or do you have other fans? Exhaust, intake? The fungi usually grows when there's not enough air movement in your grow room. I over compensate with mine by using an intake, exhaust, inline and 2 oscillating fans inside the tent, I cant emphasise enough, how important air movement is. Upping to 1/2 strength nutes is a good idea anyway as your plant will need it by now, if you can get more fans in there, the rust spots shouldn't keep going! Those leaves otherwise look good!!
Don't be too quick to think it's a deficiency hey, rust spots are usually a sign that something in your grow is off. The brown spots could actually be fungi. Are you still only just using the inline fan or do you have other fans? Exhaust, intake? The fungi usually grows when there's not enough air movement in your grow room. I over compensate with mine by using an intake, exhaust, inline and 2 oscillating fans inside the tent, I cant emphasise enough, how important air movement is. Upping to 1/2 strength nutes is a good idea anyway as your plant will need it by now, if you can get more fans in there, the rust spots shouldn't keep going! Those leaves otherwise look good!!
Its a 250 CFM exhaust fan linked to a carbon scrubber, it moves enough air to cause the tent to very slightly suck in when closed. I also have a 13 inch oscillating fan moving air right by the plant. The root mass has grown to be quite immense, it nearly doubled in size since the last image I posted.
Ok cool, that should be enough. If you can get an intake fan to get fresh air in, it will help a lot!
Really glad to hear it's picking up mate, it had me buggered for a while there! Sounds like it's going well now :)
Very vigorous growth lately and im up to 8 tops, I will wither be topping once or twice more (16 or 32 tops).

Question, once I get as many tops as I want so I go straight into flowing?

The browning spots on the leaves seems to be slowing down in its progression, but is still present.

There seems to be a little bit of darkening of the roots that lie above the water but nothing particularly serious seems to be showing itself.

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Sweet mate, glad to hear it's working for you! That's a massive root system, they do look very dark though, keep a very close eye on it!
Sweet mate, glad to hear it's working for you! That's a massive root system, they do look very dark though, keep a very close eye on it!

Vigorous plant growth continues, however I am worried about the discoloration affecting the leaves.

I am still lead to believe that it is a a cal mag deficiency, I do not have any cal/mag and am running on 1/2 strength nutes. Would moving to full strength possibly solve this?

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It is definitely getting better, great news :)
I'm still leaning towards fungal growth mate, the rest of the leaves are a nice green, you can up the nutrients to full strength but it won't cure the problem. The new growth looks fine to me and that's the main thing, the older leaves take a lot of the brunt when something is off whereas the newer growth will show nutrient deficiencies or nute burn.
It is definitely getting better, great news :)
I'm still leaning towards fungal growth mate, the rest of the leaves are a nice green, you can up the nutrients to full strength but it won't cure the problem. The new growth looks fine to me and that's the main thing, the older leaves take a lot of the brunt when something is off whereas the newer growth will show nutrient deficiencies or nute burn.
I'm unsure if it is a fungal growth, I see no direct sign of a fungus, such as the presence of it on the underside of the leaves and from what ive read a fungal problem will present with the leaves being affected beginning to soften and wilt while my leaves are just getting dried out and crispy. Also a fungus should be able to rubbed against and portions of it should rub off on hand, which doesn't seem to be the case here.

Also from what ive read a magnesium deficiency will start on the lower fan leaves and slowly progress upwards. I also have read that when growing under leds plants seem to develop magnesium deficiency more easily.

Ive purchased a bottle of cal/mag and also move nutrients up to full strength to see what happens.
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Yeah cool man, if that's what you think, go with it hey :)
Can't hurt to try the calmag for sure! You are right about LEDs and calmag issues too, I just havent seen calmag look like yours, not to say it doesnt happen that way though.
I meant to ask how you're finding the LED too? I'm looking to swap my hps out and wondering how the LED stacks up...looks pretty damn pimp hey!
I meant to ask how you're finding the LED too? I'm looking to swap my hps out and wondering how the LED stacks up...looks pretty damn pimp hey!
Im liking the led pretty well, my last grow I managed to pull 3 ounces of c99 with no sort of training being done (besides a few odd topping here and there) and growing in dirt. Im hoping to do better this time with main lining and using DWC.

After switching to full strength nutes, growth absolutely exploded the root mass is simply enormous covering the bottom of the bucket and vegetative growth is incredibly vigorous, Also ive noticed new leaves have practically none of the rusty browning marks like the older ones suffered, nonetheless ive purchased some calmag and added it along with allot more bondage to spread her growth out more.

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