Which ones did you think were stretchy?
most in this pic are if you replant the stem will then become part of the roots
Alright I have been in the process of cleaning the wires up. thats very good stay safe bro.
Do you have any ideas on ways to vent air rather than into septic, I read that it was dangerous would you think so?hell i think so do not do this please !! are you growing in your basement ? if so find a close way to get air out and if light leaks are a concern make a few bends in the flex pipe that stop the light from leaking . but it will also restrict all flow a little bit then get some foam sealant and put around the flex pipe . also if venting to the out side smell protection is a must get or make a good carbon filter
I do have a chimmney but its on the other side of the wall so it would look funny