I see you already figured out that CPU fans won't cut it. They can't even move air when fighting heavy temp differences. I've tested this in my ice shack and they can't pull 30 degree celcius air down 8ft to the floor if the floor air is only 5 degrees celcius. The cold air is too heavy/hot air is too light. I inlined 4 fans exactly like you were talking about using, with nothing restricting them but the air temperature itself and it barely moved the air.
CPU cooling uses the "hot air rises" science to work... the fans can't really do much at all when restricted. They won't pull air through a carbon filter. They can pull it through those cooking filters(in oven range hoods).
Anyway, now that you've settled on going with an inline fan like the one pictured above. I'd suggest wrapping the fan, and the venting with noise deadening material. Foam works. Pink insulation works too. Anything soft that can soak up the vibration. You'll be surprised how much a little pink insulation can go to help deaden the sounds. Also, when bolting the fan to the case, I would suggest using rubber grommets. This will virtually eliminate the vibration transfer from the fan housing to the cabinet.
A fellow aboot that, eh?
Appreciate the feedback and tips. I have every intention of mounting anything and everything that might vibrate with rubber gaskets/grommets. Further dampening....likely taking your advice...will come once I hear the beast in action.
As an aside, my last hope for PC fans resided with the type optimized for pressure. But yeah, it appears the in-line is the only way to go. And that's alright. Consider the cost of better-quality PC fans, the in-line BHMC is using isn't all that pricey.