Critters and disease help


Hello, this is my first grow. 8 Sour Diesel Autos by ILGM. Moved outside 1 week ago and are 4 weeks since breaking soil. I'm having some issues with insects and other animals that I would like help to identify, as well as remedies to fix. I know for sure aphids, ants, caterpillars, crickets. Also, I would love help identifying plant diseases.

I have ordered Neem oil, hopefully this is all I have to do?

The last one is the worst out of all of them. Will the new growth recover? Besides all bite marks, I think they all look pretty healthy.

These pictures were taken outside at 100ºF.

If you had amended the soil and planted in mother earth,you could now laugh at pests because the plants have that resistance built in over the eons when you were sucking your thumb.pests love a plant out of place
Hello, this is my first grow. 8 Sour Diesel Autos by ILGM. Moved outside 1 week ago and are 4 weeks since breaking soil. I'm having some issues with insects and other animals that I would like help to identify, as well as remedies to fix. I know for sure aphids, ants, caterpillars, crickets. Also, I would love help identifying plant diseases.

I have ordered Neem oil, hopefully this is all I have to do?

The last one is the worst out of all of them. Will the new growth recover? Besides all bite marks, I think they all look pretty healthy.

These pictures were taken outside at 100ºF.
If you grow something there is a bug that will eat it.

For afids it's easy. Mix 1 tablespoon of dish washing soap to 1 gallon of water and spray tops and bottoms of leafs and the whole plant.

Don't worry about the ants. They are only there to get the afids.

If you dust with DE it will take care of most of th rest of the crawling insects.
BT will take care of leaf eating worms. It's a bacteria that only kills catipilors. They take a bite and then can't eat any more.

Yellow double sided sticky traps will catch things that would do bad damage. Like leafhopper. By the time you kill them out your leafs will all have holes. The yellow traps attract them. These are really good. You can get them a Amazon.

Happy growing.