Crop king early miss auto

Beautiful plant man and good job I too am familiar with early miss I love that strain. So how did it work out for you I hope you waited 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting her
They look great. How long did it take from germ. Mine seem to be taking forever. I am at day 59 from sprout and they are only in week one or two of flower. Is this normal?

Even my trail in a 1g pot took this long to flower. Any thing but early!!


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Beautiful plant man and good job I too am familiar with early miss I love that strain. So how did it work out for you I hope you waited 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting her
I waited one more week. I know it was a little early but I was completely out of smoke. I've since done 1 more and let it go a full 10 weeks. I have 1 more in flower now but I am switching breeders to fast buds and can tell a huge difference in genetics already. Both of my green crack plants have gotten bigger then the earliness auto already and they are only a month old. 20190626_121318.jpg the current ema20190626_120727.jpg and 1 of the fastbuds 1 month old. Big difference
They look great. How long did it take from germ. Mine seem to be taking forever. I am at day 59 from sprout and they are only in week one or two of flower. Is this normal?

Even my trail in a 1g pot took this long to flower. Any thing but early!!
All were pulled between 60 and 75 days. Most autos I've done are preflowering about week 4 or 5 so yes that's a long time
I waited one more week. I know it was a little early but I was completely out of smoke. I've since done 1 more and let it go a full 10 weeks. I have 1 more in flower now but I am switching breeders to fast buds and can tell a huge difference in genetics already. Both of my green crack plants have gotten bigger then the earliness auto already and they are only a month old. View attachment 4356353 the current emaView attachment 4356355 and 1 of the fastbuds 1 month old. Big difference
Yeah fastbuds is a way better genetics you will be super happy with those plants