Crop King Seeds - Questions

Couldn't care less what the twat says, haha! I would rather let people know about real world experiences with Crap King Seeds.

Actually surprised they even sell feminized and regular seeds and not just push the auto crap, to force people to buy seeds every grow! They are almost as bad as an LP!
LOL i know right?........... Because reputable growers who have social media presence never get given freebies to try and promote companies..........................But I mean, if YOU havent heard of them well it CANT be true right?:bigjoint:
I think most experienced growers have heard of crap king, but buying from them/growing their gear? I can't find anything but bad reviews on them, like a newborn with Google should know better.

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from what I hear there's some Spanish seed making companies that sell the same variety to multiple companies, but labelled with different names by the companies that buy them. even heard that the top quality/grade of seeds go to the highest bidders, and lower grades go for cheaper. kinda like how Safeway gets the best cuts of meat, and superstore ends up with the lowest grade.

this is so true..basically almost every big european/dutch company now..and some north american

"in name only companies"

like "Humbolt" and "BC "
Humboldt actually has good stock though. And are like DNA, started in the states then moved abroad. Thats the difference. Barneys however im positive does it. Given the Tangerine dream I pulled last month. Stated as 56 days. It wasnt even close to done at day 56. Looked around online and many had the same issues with most finishing at 12-14 weeks. Sure enough week 14 it was done. Biggest waste ever. Good yielder, easy to grow,. Weakest fucking smoke in easily 9-10 years for me. Coulda almost finished a whole run of something else. Never again with them
theyre fine for amateur growers, have seen a few of their strains and it's not terrible stuff. For the prices though you can get WAY better genetics from Canadian seed breeders around the country.
They are easy to order from for people to learn with fairly cheap seeds? LoL
Order from?
Hell.... Even in Edmonton you can walk into just about any head shop and buy their seeds over the counter.

But that's why they suck. Too big too succeed. They have retail outlets across Cananda and so they're ordering stock in large quantities. And a lot of people are handling that stock. Most of em higher than kites.
So what do you think is going to happen? Lol
Seeds not properly stored and going bad.
And so on... lol

Even if they had good genetics you would never find out unless by
they ship it to the store already packaged though. Mislabeled seeds are not the shop keepers fault. They seem to be more about marketing than selling great genetics.
they ship it to the store already packaged though. Mislabeled seeds are not the shop keepers fault. They seem to be more about marketing than selling great genetics.
The dirty secret of the seed business is that a lot of the seeds are shipped to Canada in bulk and packaged at the shop which sells them.
they ship it to the store already packaged though. Mislabeled seeds are not the shop keepers fault. They seem to be more about marketing than selling great genetics.
Not all.
But most are.
Many resellers repackage with their own brand labelling.