crop king seeds

does anybody here have any experience growing out crop king seeds . good bad indifferent and what strains? thanks.
I do not recommend buying Crop King Seeds. I have my doubts about want is advertised and what is shipped. A video protest of Crop King Seeds (Canada):
Grew out there SSH. Cant remember how many popped but they all got sick and died as seedlings. One made it through but had very strange mutations. Leaves where all spotted and mottled like digital camo pattern. Was not a healthy plant.

the buds smelled very strongly of vitamin C. Very compact plant. looked like a cigar. 1' wide 3.5' tall. Would be good for SOG perhaps but the genetics where very poor.

havnt tried them again.
Experienced gardener here for over 20 years, and I followed Crop King’s instructions exactly. Ordered 5 seeds of Super Silver Haze and 5 seeds of White Widow in Nov 2014. They shipped 7 seeds of each strain. Out of 14 seeds only 3 germinated and the final results were good but not great. Called them a few months later and they shipped another 7 seeds of each strain free. Of the 14 replacement seeds, zero germinated. So I got 11% germination rate. Crop King promises 80% germination. I think they would have sent more replacement seeds for free, but it isn’t worth my time. I am sticking with name brand seeds from now
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Experienced gardener here for over 20 years, and I followed Crop King’s instructions exactly. Ordered 5 seeds of Super Silver Haze and 5 seeds of White Widow in Nov 2014. They shipped 7 seeds of each strain. Out of 14 seeds only 3 germinated and the final results were good but not great. Called them a few months later and they shipped another 7 seeds of each strain free. Of the 14 replacement seeds, zero germinated. So I got 11% germination rate. Crop King promises 80% germination. I think they would have sent more replacement seeds for free, but it isn’t worth my time. I am sticking with name brand seeds from now

I'm chiming in a little bit late here, but as they say better late then never. First of all let me give you some background on myself, we're a lot alike. I have been a greens industry professional for 20 years (in business for 20 as a licensed contractor/ 30 years greens industry). I have been propagating plant materials of all types for 30 years+ and have around 15 years large nursery/ growers experience. I have 2 years of Horticulture, not a degree but it should be. I've been a licensed landscape contractor (installer only) for 20 years, I run a respected and busy local business, plants ARE my business. I also have quite a bit of history growing outdoor cannabis dating back to 1975.

So that said, I recently purchased 6 each of Purple Kush and White Widow fem seeds from Crop King Seeds (the chat transaction was horrid and unprofessional, I will get to that in a bit).

I tried the White Widow batch first. Out of 6 WW seeds 4 germinated but were slow, it took 5 days. Of the 4 that germinated only two eventually came through the soil about 4 days after planting, the rest disappeared/ died. This was following their instructions to a T regardless of my own experience.
One of those WW survives today, its just a week or so old. It looks ok, maybe a little slow to grow but I am not that familiar with growth rate for this strain.

So, during this process and assuming that I had a failed batch of seeds I went ahead and germinated 3 of the Purple Kush. 2 Germinated in 3 days, the other is currently in its 5th day and still shows no sign of opening, I think its another dud. I have 3 PK seeds left, the other two that germinated seem to be ok at just a couple days old. Needless to say I'm using the best soil I could get my hands on,
So now I have a mixed strain grow and hoping that they survive.

Back to the chat representative from Crop King Seeds Lisa who was the person who took my credit card info and took my order. After giving my CC and order info (Because I am in the USA I had to talk to a person) Lisa thought it wise to go full political berzerker on me. She started off by stating that "your country is so fucked up and full of idiots" and how "America is so full of redneck assholes" etc. I could hardly believe that I was speaking with a company representative. This "conversation" was not solicited, nothing on my end was ever said about Canada or politics, she just felt it was intelligent and prudent to attack a paying customer because she hates America.
But hey, shipping was fast. I had all of this garbage at my door in 7 days, I live in Oregon.

Anyway, I tried to ignore her political rant because I really wanted those seeds, even though I was flaming mad inside and wanted to end the conversation immediately. So after the problem with the germination problems I posted a message about it. After making a post about LISA at one of these boards another CPK rep (a guy this time) called my phone saying "really Dan, would you like it if we reviewed your company like that".... no mention or apologies for that incompetent representative whatsoever. As far as I know I was purposely sent a bad product because Lisa doesnt like Americans.

My advice is to steer clear of any company who represents themselves in this fashioin. I am socially and politically diverse and one thing I avoid with my company, ads and contacts is being politically or socially divisive. What Lisa did was both unprofessional and stupid. I would fire an employee for far less... then to follow it up with bad products was the real clencher. Any company who can afford to isolate and alienate any particular demographic like this can certainly afford to operate without my patronage. I have no desire to get more seeds from them. The guy offered but I have no desire whatsoever to do any sort of business or waste any more of my time with a company such as this.
Use Crop King Seeds at your own risk.

Rant off...
I'm not sure if it's 'Lisa' you had a problem with as I think that is a pseudonym and not a real person.

My experience with their staff (in person and in the chat) is that 3 of 4 were good.

One person (a woman I remember ) I talked to was rude, barely coherent and more than that just plain strange. I think this person likely has some sort of intellectual disability. This person needs to be trained properly or put in a position where they don't interact with the public. This kind of interaction with the public is bad for a company's bottom line

Dan I would encourage you to get your seeds replaced for free as they are good about that. My experience with cannabis related companies is that they are pretty poor and unreliable in general so when they offer something definitely take it!
Thanks. Yes this could have been the same person, it sounds like it. You may be right about the name Lisa too, its probably a generic chat nickname.
I told rep #2 to contact me when rep #1 is either terminated or wishes to apologize for her/ his disparaging remarks, so far neither one has happened and I dont think it will. I'm already over it, I just dont want it to happen to another person without giving my story first. If they still wish to purchase from there maybe they will get lucky too, but the business sensibilities in me draws the line quick with vendors now days, I have no tolerance for it. Too many bad experiences I guess.
I can propagate more from the Purple Kush so its not a total loss. I'm also in a legal state now so I can get decent clones. I wanted to start with seed since this is my first Cannabis grow in a few years, but in hindsight maybe I should have just went with the clones.
I'm a bit disappointed that "legalized" in my state doesnt mean that I can get seeds, I have no idea why but its probably just more federal meddling.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. Its interesting seeing what others have to say.
I'm quite satisfied with this representation of a Hash Plant. It grows very dense, low leaf-to-flower ratio, so trimming is easy. Was a bit more stretchy than my other strains, but not unreasonable. Good hashy smell/taste and effect.

I grabbed an average sized flower out of my jar so you can see how dense it is, 2 months after drying.
View attachment 3230558

Wow nice looking bud hope mine looks that nice just about to flower a nice Crop King hp.
I've been very happy with Crop King seeds. I planted Hash plant. Great genetics but my yield was lower than expected. The Purple Kush grows like a multi-stemmed bush, but is really a couch locker at 27% THC ( I believe it).
I've got some Early Vixen and some freebies of Jack Herer autos I haven't planted yet.

All in all, I'd buy from Crop King.
I don't get why people order from a place like crop king? It seems like a scam/phony genetics. You can easily order from real breeders at various seedbanks.

For me its because I am just getting into this and am at the mercy of this industry and its patrons/ growers. This is why I am here and this is why I asked a load of questions before I bought... and still ended up screwed. So, the question is who do you trust and/ or believe?
I checked around with several vendors, a couple of whom stated that they do not currently ship to the USA at all. I ended up at CKS because of some of the reviewers and comments from other growers, not because they had good advertising or hype. So its not as if I did not shop around and ask before I paid for these garbage seeds. Whats a bit absurd to me is that I am in a legal state now but cant buy a freaking hemp seed. I used to have pounds of seeds back when it was illegal and CAMP was flying over my house every day looking for weed in my California backyard. But now that its legal in my state I cant find a seed to save my life, its stupid. This market is extremely flooded with know-it-all zealots and entrepreneurs looking to make a bundle. $10 and up for a single weed seed is just dumb, its a simple weed.
Frankly, this is what happens when an industry is still wet behind the ears and those liars and crappy companies have not yet been "weeded" out by the public. This market is going to have some growing pains and we are part of that dynamic. A company will naturally die off if it has no integrity and sells a bad product, its just a matter of time, but I'm here to help when I get screwed. It seems that Crop King Seeds is a mixed batch of good and bad. The seeds did arrive and they arrived pretty quickly, but thats where my endorsement ends.

If you have a suggestion for a good seed company that you trust and has great reviews and integrity/ great proven products then by-all-means lets hear about it. As a small business owner myself, I am all about word of mouth and referals (not that it always works), especially in this market.
I learn fast! If 100 people came in here professing what a great company CKS was, I'd still ignore every last word of it and never do business with them again, its just how I am. The upside is that I'm also a 100% loyalist when I find a decent vendor, no more shopping around.
For me its because I am just getting into this and am at the mercy of this industry and its patrons/ growers. This is why I am here and this is why I asked a load of questions before I bought... and still ended up screwed. So, the question is who do you trust and/ or believe?
I checked around with several vendors, a couple of whom stated that they do not currently ship to the USA at all. I ended up at CKS because of some of the reviewers and comments from other growers, not because they had good advertising or hype. So its not as if I did not shop around and ask before I paid for these garbage seeds. Whats a bit absurd to me is that I am in a legal state now but cant buy a freaking hemp seed. I used to have pounds of seeds back when it was illegal and CAMP was flying over my house every day looking for weed in my California backyard. But now that its legal in my state I cant find a seed to save my life, its stupid. This market is extremely flooded with know-it-all zealots and entrepreneurs looking to make a bundle. $10 and up for a single weed seed is just dumb, its a simple weed.
Frankly, this is what happens when an industry is still wet behind the ears and those liars and crappy companies have not yet been "weeded" out by the public. This market is going to have some growing pains and we are part of that dynamic. A company will naturally die off if it has no integrity and sells a bad product, its just a matter of time, but I'm here to help when I get screwed. It seems that Crop King Seeds is a mixed batch of good and bad. The seeds did arrive and they arrived pretty quickly, but thats where my endorsement ends.

If you have a suggestion for a good seed company that you trust and has great reviews and integrity/ great proven products then by-all-means lets hear about it. As a small business owner myself, I am all about word of mouth and referals (not that it always works), especially in this market.
I learn fast! If 100 people came in here professing what a great company CKS was, I'd still ignore every last word of it and never do business with them again, its just how I am. The upside is that I'm also a 100% loyalist when I find a decent vendor, no more shopping around.

Lots of options. If in US you can order from over seas from bigger banks. I reccomemd Midweek Song. Ofcourse ordering from overseas has it's risks, though you are not likely to be in trouble if they're found at customs. Herbies headshop is also reliable.

If in US though I recommend a US bank like The Dank Team. Don't have to worry about customs and it only takes a few days. Also Great Lakes genetics, James Bean Company and Seed Vault of California are reliable US banks. I like dank team though cause of their selection and they take cards (I think you can use gift cards if you're worried about privacy).

As far as breeders go you just have to do research and know what you're looking for.

Sin City Seeds and Bodhi seeds are two of the best IMO and can be found at US and overseas banks.

Nirvana and Female seeds are both quality dutch breeders who can be found at over seas banks and have long worked genetics at a fair price.

Otherwise just browse around and GOOGLE is your best friend. If you're looking for a popular strain such as White Widow search for it on Midweek Somg or other banks. Popular strains like these will be offered by many breeders but only a few have the real deal. (Mr. Nice has the original widow now called "black widow"). Google reviews for the strain and breeder and go from there. There are endless resources at your disposal.

I also use instagram to google hash tags of strains I'm interested in to see what others plants have looked like. Though this is not necessary, just helpful.

If you need more suggestions of strains you're welcome to PM me or browse aeound the grow journals/seed strain reviews here and elsewhere.. I have a decade of experience and will soon be entering the industry soon enough so I at least like to think I know what I'm talking about ;) I'm always down to help new growers though and assist them in not getting ripped!
I know there is a lot of debate over whether or not cannabis can suffer from TMV (the Mosaic Virus) but I swear this is what all of my CKS Super Silver Haze had.

I had pollenated one of the SSH early in flowering and have had a million of their seeds since just sitting in storage for about a year.

I just tried germinating 20 of them. Absolutely none popped.

Crop King Seeds has to be the shittiest company and genetics I have ever seen or heard about.
Just finishing a 3rd CKS. Bought 2 packs of 5 northern lights auto / Candy cane.
Gave 1 northern and candy seed away to a buddy. Both his germed/grew.

My 3rd is about to be harvested, with 2 others exiting seedling stage, and 2 more popping outta the soil.
So out of 10 seeds, 9 have popped so far. Haven't tried the last seed yet. So 100% success rate as of yet.

2 Candy canes are the same pheno so far, but my second turned purplish due to winter temps. 1 northern lights only just finished a week and a half ago but the two exiting seedling stage both are northern lights and appear to show same pheno also.

Ordering was easy, quick to my door.
No complaints so far other then the damn price. Decided if I'm gonna pay that kind of money, I'd go with other seeds next time. So I have purple OG 18, Green crack, vanilla kush, and LSD here next.

Pics below of my 2nd candy cane auto about to be rdy and first northern L that was chopped.
Northern was chopped a bit early due to family staying a while. :(


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I know there is a lot of debate over whether or not cannabis can suffer from TMV (the Mosaic Virus) but I swear this is what all of my CKS Super Silver Haze had.

I had pollenated one of the SSH early in flowering and have had a million of their seeds since just sitting in storage for about a year.

I just tried germinating 20 of them. Absolutely none popped.

Crop King Seeds has to be the shittiest company and genetics I have ever seen or heard about.

Would tobacco mosaic virus cause germ issues? I know it can cause germ issues with the seeds coming from the plant (say you give it tmv and then pollinate it) but I didn't think it would carry over a generation.
Would tobacco mosaic virus cause germ issues? I know it can cause germ issues with the seeds coming from the plant (say you give it tmv and then pollinate it) but I didn't think it would carry over a generation.

I have not looked into TMV that much, but I think I remember reading that it carries over through seeds and this could very well be the reason they did not germ. I have never had a problem germinating ever. TMV is like plant AIDS.

*wish I had pictures of it.. I might somewhere, if I do and I find them I will post them. /edit
Like I said before, I grew CKS Hash plant indoors along with the Purple Kush. I just got a few ounce of CKS Hash plant that was grown outdoors by a friend.

It's just as potent but a Much bigger yield!
No complaints so far other then the damn price. Decided if I'm gonna pay that kind of money, I'd go with other seeds next time. So I have purple OG 18, Green crack, vanilla kush, and LSD here next.

If it's Barney's Vanilla Kush Skip it, I've run them and wasn't impressed. The DNA/RP Purple OG #18 was excellent she didn't like heavy nutes thought less is more.