Crop Robbed


what good will a cam do? Once they are gone.... they are gone... you may get footage of them taking it... but unless you know them... it wont matter...

I have seen a ton of these "robbed or stolen" threads and most of them are grows outside of the area they live in.. I dont think I have seen a thread yet whereas they were stolen from the backyard or....
actually 3 of my plants were stolen right from my back yard this year (although im almost sure it was a very close friend that i belive seen my babys while takin a piss one day)

Thurgood jenkin$

Active Member
actually 3 of my plants were stolen right from my back yard this year (although im almost sure it was a very close friend that i belive seen my babys while takin a piss one day)
Yeah, I only told homies about my grow. I suspect I have a good friend who isnt a friend at all. That is why the camera is up. I need to know. its more important than the weed.


Well-Known Member
I had rippers at my house 2 weeks ago. I walked up to their car and put my head in the window. 4 teenagers. I knew one or two. Told them if they came back they were not leaving. Have not seen them since. Intimidation is the best weapon

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I'm shocked a thief would not take it all right away. You got really lucky with that one, but I bet if you don't harvest the last one very soon (immature) you will just have a video of your plant being stolen I bet.


Active Member
I would leave the plants for bait too! Your circle of real friends is way more crucial than 2plants! Judas.


New Member
Bear Traps work well too along with dressing in black and hiding with a black titanium Bat ... Youll know who it is in no time and justice is served swiftly ....... Here in my woods the Vietnam vets have even worse things to do to you if your a ripper ..........


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I only told homies about my grow. I suspect I have a good friend who isnt a friend at all.
Yeah that's usually the case man. Good thing is you're going through some steps to pinpoint exactly who it is. Good call on that one. Next time around though just remember tell no one. Not even your best friends or family.
I've always noticed there's a weird mindset to people. Especially when it comes to crap like that. They can be your best pal but when it comes to getting a 1up on someone over something illegal a lot of people will go turncoat on you to make themselves a quick profit on it. Especially when it comes down to any sort of narcotic. The bad thing is I'm sure you would have sat down and burnt a few with the person after they were finished and everyone would have shared a good time. Personal greed man. It's an ugly human trait. That's what it boils down to.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea man shits like that little gremlin in the lord of the rings... seeing that "precious" in its natural state can make people turn for the worst. Thats why i stick to RIU to do my showing off. keep it to yourself and share it here.
Flawless crew can suck it he sounds like a closed minded brainwashed fag radio lover too me 4 plants or not if each one yeilds at least an ounce at $10 a G that would still still be an $800 dollar loss if you can get a live feed on your trail cam I would go kick them shafts square in the cubes


i had to move were other people grow the same as me ..this cut down on theft ..before people were to somthing to grow for them selfs and always coveted mine..i no lose lips sink ships...instead of being recluse i instead choose to surround myself with like minded peps ..and that means the whole community..relocate if need be....


Well-Known Member
Rippers have tried to hit me 11 days straight now, ran him off last night. Make my day law only applies to person , not property , be very careful what you do to anyone in your yard, make sure its in your house and YOU felt threatened, not your crop.


Well-Known Member
Rippers have tried to hit me 11 days straight now, ran him off last night. Make my day law only applies to person , not property , be very careful what you do to anyone in your yard, make sure its in your house and YOU felt threatened, not your crop.
If anybody comes to my house uninvited I feel threatened. Even if it is somebody I know. People know before they even get to my driveway I do not want them up here. The best thing to do is have a loaded gun with the safety on in your hands when you make the confrontation. Cocking a shotgun or shooting a tree get your point across to the person usually. People are lucky if they come to my property, my neighbors on either side would shoot first and ask questions later, I enjoy intimidation. I have the option to, from my bedroom light up my whole garden and see every single plant. The gun cabinet is 3 feet away