keep a male, use it's pollen to pollinate a female, wait 8 weeks for seeds to develop.
Thanx, 8 weeks is the answer I was seeking!
Started with what I thought were 7 of the hardy seedlings, put 3 each in two EartBoxes and one in a large flower pot.
Five weeks veg using Fox Farm Grow Big then went 12/12 CFL. Week and a half later 3 definite males removed. Flower pot shows 1st signs of female flowering, the 3 remaining are a little slow.
Oops, another male appears so I decide to start my own strain from assorted bag herb. As soon as the male pods start to open I clip and shake over the flower pot female that is really growing (had to tie/bend her down to keep out of light ceiling limit). 5 days after pollenating seed pods are forming (pretty fast IMO) Oh BTW the other two started to bud female and missed the big event so that is where there at attached.
My baby says eight weeks is entirely to long to wait but I am determined to start a domestic strain and according to Ed's book 3 generations will establish a bonifide strain.....Correct me if not accurate cause I am 62 yrs old, retired and drug testing is no longer mandatory!
Forgot to type, after harvest the next grow will be either AK-48 or Medusa from our good friends in the Netherlands!