Cross joint...


props on pulling it off hoppus, +rep for that, it must have taken some patience/skill; maybe i'll try to make one when our power goes out tommorrow... fuck gustav


Well-Known Member
Looks good did you decide to do that after seeing Pineapple Express? That was a great movie!
Pineapple Express was pretty much the inspirado. I didn't think that there actually is such a thing as a smokeable cross joint until I saw some videos...I can't wait to smoke this thing later on today.


Well-Known Member
the cross is made using heavy paper. such as an index card. the cross part is made first then the joints are added to it and secured with strips of cut papers. it is small. maybe an inch across each way. the ends of the doobies are slipped onto the ends of the premade cross. you cut the glue edges off and use them as "tape" to tape it all together. it's actually a simple method when seen in print. :)


Well-Known Member
If ya dont roll backwards... it smells so horrible of paper :(

rolling backwards since i am smoking


Well-Known Member
Hey check it..... Couldnt do it this time with the stupid papers... took some sticky brown tape.. and made her hold like that.... just 1 stripe... could of looked smother around the edge there... but here ya go man :
