Cross Pollenation, Cannabis, Non-Cannabis?? possible?? anyone tried???


Active Member
ive been looking online at botanical hybrids

and most the liturature says many non related plants can be crossed, as long as they have similiar chromosome profile,

cannabis is a 2n=20

which apperantly means it recieves 10 chromosomes from each parent.

but alot of success has been made breeding with differing CHROM #'s

anyway it doesnt seem like anyone has really tried crossing cannabis with stuff.

and theres a huge list of 2n=20 diploid plants.

and if you have an exact chrom match theres a high likelyhood of getting a reproducable line.

whereas off chrom counts often render seedless or sterile hybrids.

SO dont give me none of that you cant cross cannabis with anything else. unless you have documented scientific proof that its been attempted and failed using a scientific method.

you want something to do with your males.

get a ton of pollen. go on walks and pollenate every fuckin flower you find.

its all just a genetic lottery.

and mutant happen all da time

so what do you think. worth the effort to set aside a little "research" patch????


Well-Known Member
It's probably possible, but what's the realistic point. I could grow tomatoes that get me stoned, but that means it's taking up space I could be growing weed that gets me stoned.

Your best bet would be to try and cross pollinate Pot with Hops. Both from the Cannabaceae family. In theory you might be able to cause a hoppy weed tasting brew, but you'd burn all the THC off when boiling. So I just can't see a practical reason for it.


Active Member
the practical reason is experimentation.

botanical research takes up so much space it would be hard for someone under our legal system to justify loss of grow room for a off chance.

but why you ask?

imagine a morning glory type vine that autoflowered bud instead of morning glories. (and yes i know that would take over a decade of selective cross breeding to get a result like that.

or hell just an unidentifiable leaf pattern. something like ducks foot.

but seriously, why not try. the worst that could happen is some crazy mutant pot cross would rampage the countryside terrorizing the villigers.

but it has to be possible, it seems illogical that you can cross almost every plant except pot