Ive posted this before but no answer,, If I was to use pollen from a white widow plant to seed a blueberry plant, will the seeds from the blueberry be blueberry widow seeds or is there more of a proccess to crossbreeding than that.. In my opinion, these are my 2 favorite plants, and would love to see the results.....
The seeds you get would be a hybrid. in order to make a stable cross say blue widow, you would have to cross breed, plant A and B to make plants C, you take male C and female C to make a second generation. after approximately three generations of this C you may or may not get stability.
but the thing is either way you will have fun, and smoke alot of weed.
the nice thing is that you can select the BEST males and the BEST females, and weed out the weeker parts of the strain. If you don't want to seed the whole plant you can use a paper bag, and a paint brush, just dust a few pistils with pollen and put the paper bag over the branch
for about 12 hrs a day till you have seeds, cut your seedy shit off, and finish the rest under 12/12 for some good bud.
good luck sounds fun.
ReD {I}