crossing fingers for 1st "cfl grow"

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
If you have a magnifying glass... put it up to the lens of your camera and take a close up pic.... it's what I do and the pics come out nice.. good luck....

OH and don't worry about how many people post... you'll be surprised how many people are still watching ;-]



Well-Known Member
exactally Wolfman like i watch this thread all the time,every update i check it out,and yea that magnfifying lens does work i tried i cant wait to sex my babies


Well-Known Member
thanx wolfman man, & gobears, bro, you know i know you rite there with me. oh, thanx for that lil bit bout the mag-glass, but i been meaning to pic 1 up for the last few days, been rite there in walmart trying to think of what i may need but just keep know that short term memory loss is a

speaking of bitches let me check mine out & i'll get back to ya. i wasn't gonna till the weekend, but i'll take afew shots with the ole lady' phone. i'll try the mag-glass with the phone & see how that turns out a lil later in the weekend..not bout to venture out rite now, its hot & I'M HIGH !!!....PEACE


Well-Known Member
lol i wish i was high,my plants r going great,and urs r to bro,dont forget u always got me here to back up ur threadfuck neone else !! besides wolfman hes active,but i hate people who come here post once and dip its annoying,im like taknig over the site! haha

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Yes gobears, you are allover this place lol... but nothing wrong with that =]

Wish I was high too... but it's bone dry around here =[ .... can't wait till my ladies start giving me my medicine, so I won't have to rely on anybody else except me and my girls =]


Well-Known Member
whats up yall ? sorry bout last nites pics but for some reason we couldn't get them to download, but i got a few now...some i can't tell as of yet, some not too sure & acouple i can see the hairs but not in pics from phone cam...theses 1st 1's i think r male. what yall think ?



Well-Known Member
atleast i think the 2nd 1 is male. the other 2 i'm not too sure on..i all ready had to remove 2 plants.

these next 2 plants i can see a few small hairs but you wont be able to see them in these pics...need better cam but workin with what i



Well-Known Member
a few random shots & a shot of the grow area..added a few more lights.

now there are 3 26w cools & 1 23w soft down around the middle of the plants to get some light to the lower branches & bud spots. like plenty of others have said, my plants seem to luv this shyt..

i'm thinking of trying the 2 light specs from the start but with way more cools than soft & see how they like that, then switch to mostly soft when i flower....anyway, the pics.



Well-Known Member
yea that one def looks like a male! its frigin crazy but im sry bro,hopefuly u get alot of fems,because it would suck if u dont


Well-Known Member
pic#1- cant tell
pic#2- cant tell
pic#3- looks like balls
pic#4- cant tell
pic#5- cant tell
pic#6- looks like balls
pic#7- not sure looks like shoots but i cant tell
pic#8+9- cant tell

take some better more focused pics of the nodes and we well be able to tell u for sure


Well-Known Member
i know the pics suck . i'm gonna try a lil somethin later when i get out to the store.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
In the mean time... if there is any way of moving the ones you think could be males... you should... I know it's too early for them to fertilize any of the girls.. but if you could do it with out much trouble... then why not.


Well-Known Member
well, i was rite. got 2 females for sure & 2 more males....1 still hasn't shown & of course once again "fingers crossed". i feel it will be female because it seems athough all the males just came rite out, had no prob lettin them ball hang ! to think i had 16 plants when this all started. damn....well, thanx for the 2 i have so far.

got the mag-glass. can see things very clear ly now..couldn't seem to focus it good with the cam i have...thanx

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
well, i was rite. got 2 females for sure & 2 more males....1 still hasn't shown & of course once again "fingers crossed". i feel it will be female because it seems athough all the males just came rite out, had no prob lettin them ball hang ! to think i had 16 plants when this all started. damn....well, thanx for the 2 i have so far.

got the mag-glass. can see things very clear ly now..couldn't seem to focus it good with the cam i have...thanx

Try taking pics with all your lights on... and if you camera has a closeup setting looks like a small flower symbol.. set it to that then take a pic.


Well-Known Member
yo wolf, ITS A PHONE CAM.

hey GB, i dropped you a line, lookin good bro.

guys i decided not to let these lil guys go without gettin some typee of use out of them....i'm gonna practice my cloning on them. i wish i had thought of this b4 when the 1st male showed cuz i don't want to disturb 1 of my females that has gotten deep into flowering.

anyway i thought i'd try a few ways that i've read about & a few that i've thought about trying. if anyboy has a easy "FOOL PROOF" & cheap (free) cloning system please, feel free to let me in on it cuz i need 1 fast !

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Oh yea... I forgot it was a phonecam.. my bad =]

as for an easy cloning system... let me tell you about the best do it your self cloning system I know.. (its cheap too)

Will be using a plastic shoe box tub for a 4 plant cloner.

I could have drilled out 6 holes, but 4 is all I need.

The cloner will be DWC with an air pump feeding an airstone to oxygenate the solution. All the bubbles popping on the surface creates a fine mist giving it an aeroponics effect. Clones love that. The small tub has been completely covered with reflective chrome duct tape to keep light out, and reflect it back into the cab.

Here are a few pics to give you an idea how the clones go in it.... I used foam plugs that I got at the hydro shop, but you can make your own out of styrofoam, or any other soft substance.

You can pick all this stuff at your local walmart... and the most expensive thing will be the air pump =]

A few tips...

If you add a drop of superthrive to the water, you won't need cloning gel/powder.... otherwise, just dip the cutting in rooting gel/powder, fill the tub with ph'd water, turn on the bobbles and your set...

Keep the bottom of the cutting just above the water.... as the bobbles pop, they will make a mist keeping the tips of the cutting nice and moist at all times with plenty of Oxygen. Once the roots sprout, they will have a nice oxygen rich bath waiting for them =]

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