Crossing Strains....


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone out there has advice about crossing differnt breeds of plant...
:joint: :hump:
Yea I Also Wondered How To Cross-breed Do You Like Take The Male From One Strain And A Female From Another And Let The Male Pollinate The Female Or What?
^^that would be one way, the most common one i guess;) it could also be done with engrafting, as it is done with other plants too:) but the easiest way would be pollen really:)
grow a BUNCH of females. grow a BUNCH of males. watch them closely. take notes because as they grow you will forget. you are looking for desired traits. height, node spacing, leaf pattern, leaf size, # of nodes, branching. that's just the first veg stages. the list is a lot long once we get into flowering desires. so go throw all the males. find the one you want to carry traits from. gather pollen. now go to the females. find the desired traits and pollenate. if your lucky and the gene are strong the resulting offspring should be a combination of both. now take those seeds and grow out males and females and repeat. the results should be a stable strain.
A "single cross" is another name for an F1 hybrid. When two IBLs are crossed the F1 hybrid, or single cross, is the result. This type of cross has the most uniformity and hybrid vigor which makes it the best choice for the home gardener.

A "double cross" is made by crossing two single crosses which come from four separate IBLs. A double cross will be somewhat more variable than a single cross, but will have a wider range of adaptability. This adaptability makes the double cross good for diverse indoor environments.

The "top cross" and the "three way cross" are used as testers. A top cross is an IBL crossed with a variety, and it is used to test for general combining ability.(Ed.note:Only GCA can be found in a topcross.SCA is not sought because one half of the topcross is from a single genotype and the other half is from mixed gametes,therefore,one gene donor is unspecified.) A three way cross is an IBL crossed with an F1. The result of this cross will be one of the parents of the double-cross, and it is used to test for specific combining ability.

A "backcross" is crossing the progeny back to one of its parents,and on another level, to any plant with the same genotype as a Parent. It is designed to improve the parent by retaining most of its qualities and adding a new one. After a series of backcrosses,some degree of uniformity is realized as a result of increased gene frequencies,fixing of some loci through selection and some incidental homozygosity. However, the offspring can only become completely homozygous if the recurrent parent was completely homozygous,and will remain heterozygous for the loci that were heterozygous in the recurrent parent.

A "self cross" is the result of a female Cannabis plant pollinating herself, whether by artificial induction or natural hermaphrodite tendencies. A female that has produced seed from its own pollen is said to be the S0 generation and the resulting seeds are the S1 progeny.

A "full sib" cross is a straight male-female cross between brothers and sisters.

A "half sib" cross uses sister females and unrelated males.
would it be possible to cross bread half and half// like take some male pollen from some skunk and some from some blueberry mix it up and put it on some hydro ?????
Yes it woul be possible, but you might want to keep the pollen seperate and just fertilize different females instead.
Just don't use feminized seeds for breeding. The hermy condition makes it difficult to grow sensimilla crops.
A "single cross" is another name for an F1 hybrid. When two IBLs are crossed the F1 hybrid, or single cross, is the result. This type of cross has the most uniformity and hybrid vigor which makes it the best choice for the home gardener.

A "double cross" is made by crossing two single crosses which come from four separate IBLs. A double cross will be somewhat more variable than a single cross, but will have a wider range of adaptability. This adaptability makes the double cross good for diverse indoor environments.

The "top cross" and the "three way cross" are used as testers. A top cross is an IBL crossed with a variety, and it is used to test for general combining ability.(Ed.note:Only GCA can be found in a topcross.SCA is not sought because one half of the topcross is from a single genotype and the other half is from mixed gametes,therefore,one gene donor is unspecified.) A three way cross is an IBL crossed with an F1. The result of this cross will be one of the parents of the double-cross, and it is used to test for specific combining ability.

A "backcross" is crossing the progeny back to one of its parents,and on another level, to any plant with the same genotype as a Parent. It is designed to improve the parent by retaining most of its qualities and adding a new one. After a series of backcrosses,some degree of uniformity is realized as a result of increased gene frequencies,fixing of some loci through selection and some incidental homozygosity. However, the offspring can only become completely homozygous if the recurrent parent was completely homozygous,and will remain heterozygous for the loci that were heterozygous in the recurrent parent.

A "self cross" is the result of a female Cannabis plant pollinating herself, whether by artificial induction or natural hermaphrodite tendencies. A female that has produced seed from its own pollen is said to be the S0 generation and the resulting seeds are the S1 progeny.

A "full sib" cross is a straight male-female cross between brothers and sisters.

A "half sib" cross uses sister females and unrelated males.

i need help. my friend and i tried to figure this all out. i think i got it. maybe not. time for a new thread.
so i'm at f2 correct?

bagseed female x mystery male = F1 Roadtrip

F1 female x F1 male = F2 Roadtrip (global)

so i need to take an F2 and backcross with an F1, correct? at the moment i have 2 destinctive phenotypes. 1 having oak tree like leaves, one having huge head sized leaves. the oak pheno has the desired bud traits and the huge pheno has the desired growth traits.
so i backcross an F2 oak with an F1 huge?

i'm so confused.

regardless Roadtrip F2 is looking good so far. only at 3", but it's a start (pun intended).
This is fascinating stuff. I really wanna meet another grower with a male and nick some pollen, just to give it a try. The real reason is to create a variety i can name myself! hehe
This is fascinating stuff. I really wanna meet another grower with a male and nick some pollen, just to give it a try. The real reason is to create a variety i can name myself! hehe

i have a jar full if front of me. about a teaspoon full. :hump::hump::hump: smells good. ever smell a male flower? really pretty smell, sweet and powdery. like my mom.
Good info on this thread, CannaBoss, Mogie, or anyone else who´s knowledgeable on this....what would be the best way to control 4 different strains, or multiple strains, under a 400w lamp.

Would you recommend one lamp set up per strain to totally avoid contamination between plants, individual seeding chambers. Or dividers beneath the lamp. Or with a brush by hand pollinate them.

I have found that when I place two plants in a plastic bags with holes and place the fan on it I can easily get at least 400 seeds per plant depending on the strain, and when I use the brush technique I´ll get 20-50 seeds out of a plant, it seems it doesn´t penetrate deeply enough because it´s a huge 90% difference.
hey fdd was wondering if you could help me out i just posted a question in the general growing. i know you know your stuff and id really appreciate if you could help me find the right strain. well read my post if you get a chance thanks man
When I breed I usually take a few strains I like and have one strain Male. have go at it and grow them out and see which ones I want to stabilize.

OG Kush X Blue Dream
Mass Sour D X Blue Dream
Thai Jam X Blue Dream

Label everything - the jar! not the Lids! - Lids get swapped