Crunky's DIY stealth dresser, homemade LED light(VEG)


Well-Known Member
Alright so where to start..

I guess I should say after a lot of time and experimentation, I have developed a stealth dresser for my babies to veg in. Later on I will need to upgrade to a bigger dresser, roughly 4 to 5 feet fall, more wide, and more thick. I am quickly discovering my dresser just isn't big enough for my plans. See, this whole thing is only to create a beautiful hardy mother plant(possibly 2) that I will be able to take clones from, and eventually create a stealth perpetual harvest. I want it to be stealth because I don't have my card. I'm not actually worried about anyone finding out about my operation because I tell NO ONE about it. Remember people, loose lips sink ships. I have maintained all light leaks, when it's dark and the light is on you can't see any light coming from my dresser. I am working on smell at the moment, but that really won't be too much of an issue until I start looking into flowering.

First though, I need to get my veg down. I would like to say that in my past I have grown 2 completed grows, and the last grow I learned a LOT about growing. My first grow was a 5g bucket DWC. I can't remember how much exactly but I think I got about 2oz off of about 250w CFL(combo of 42w warm white, and 26w cool white). My next grow(see sig) was a 327w LED/CFL grow. 55w of LED panels, 4x 42w Warm white, 4x 26w Cool white. I originally vegged 3 plants, luckily enough 2 turned out to be female, culled the male. The last grow was soil I might add.

For this grow, my homemade LED light works WONDERS. It keeps my dresser anywhere between 79-85 degrees(except when I have the window open then it gets a tad cooler). From what I have noticed, my plants do not excel in growth with anything under 77 degrees. They do best at 85F and about 45% humidity. My homemade LED light puts out about 4500 lumens, and draws only 53w. I have one air pump for my 2 hydro plants(quickest growers), and 3 fans in total. I'm estimating I'm drawing about 80w total for this entire little setup I got going.

In all my previous experiences with this bag strain that I have, I have not had to feed them nutrients or check pH or anything like that. I used the tap water right out of my tub(lots easier than the sink for sure!). It seems this time I have encountered some troubles in the nutrient department. I'm hoping some of you here may be able to help me out with some of the deficiencies I'm seeing in these plants.

Last thing before I show you the pictures is one tidbit of information. 6 of these plants are bagseed, 4 are DNA's Chocolope Fem. The 6 bagseed plants came from my last harvest. It seemed that one of the lower branches from one of the female plants snapped, it didn't fall off though. It seems that it hermied just that branch to protect itself, and I ended up with about 50 seeds total throughout both plants. It would seem to me that all of these plants should be female, as there was no male pollen in the creation of these seeds.

For simplicity's sake, I have numbered my plants 1 through 10, and labeled them on the pictures I have taken for you all:

Plant 1 - The biggest fastest growing plant of the bunch, has always been slightly yellow/bright green in appearance. Shows spotting on a couple leaves, some leaves are curling upwards too, not sure why. May be a MALE :( Can anyone confirm? First picture.
Plant 2 - The second fastest growing plant. New growth appears WHITE, and very thin. New leaf growth is very thin and very slow. Thick sturdy stem, appears more sativa phenotype. Both plant 1 and 2 are in paint cans with an air curtain and air pump, simply DWC setup. Paint cans hold 1 gallon.
Plant 3 - This plant is probably one of the better soil plants of the bunch(8 soil plants). It appears that new growth is very nice darkish green in color, except 2 fan leaves have started to curl downwards. Do not know why.
Plant 4 - Also another very good looking little plant. Appears to be sativa pheno as well. Nothing seems wrong with this plant, except for growth has been considerably low considering how big plant 1 and 2 are.
Plant 5 - Same as plant 4.
Plant 6 - Same as plant 4.
Plant 7 - Chocolope - Very tight internode spacing and lovely green color, seems to be growing rapidly considering I plants my chocolope weeks after the bag seed was going.
Plant 8 - Lovely little plant, seems to have a weak stem as it has tipped over many times, I use a straightened paper clip to keep it upright, keeps growing like plant 7.
Plant 9 - Leaf tips have curled downward and the tips of new growth are yellow, I think this is nute burn, except that my soil has no nutrients in it and it totally organic, not sure what's going on. New growth is also very thin.
Plant 10 - About the same as plant 9 except the leaves have not curled, they just appear yellow at the tips and almost 'grainy' in appearance.

Bag seeds were plants about 9/1, and Chocolope were planted about 9/15. Soil is organic, home depot brand, no added nutrients(made sure of this, no miracle grow crap). The 2 hydro plants I feed tap water, no nutrients at this point. I don't have a pH tester but that is one of the things on the list of things to get.

Sorry about all my blabbering, here's the pics(remember just 1 53w LED light).


Well-Known Member
Could you post some pictures of your homemade led light and the specs?
I regret to inform you I can not give out all technical details but I can get you steered in the right direction. :) I'd LOVE to see someone expand on these leds and create 600w panels with them, they are potently bright as far as lights go. One could have a nice long heatsink with like 5 or 6 fans cooling it on low power so it's quiet and you could have 10 of these LEDs lined up.

Materials are:
1x Bridgelux LED(This is Cool White 4500lm version)
1x 27v, 2.3A Power supply
1x Heatsink
1x Thermal paste(I use Arctic Silver 5 with good success)
1x RS Series Reflector
1x 12v CPU fan(or 120v AC fan if you don't wire it yourself), mine happened to be 120mm and it keeps heatsink BELOW optimum LED temperature.
And of course 14 gauge wire to hook this all up, also will need one AC plug, multimeter, soldering iron, etc simple electronics items and knowledge.

Here's what it looks like:
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To mount the fan to the heatsink I used these bolts I found at the local hardware store that fit into the fan holes perfectly so I didn't have to drill them out. I didn't feel the need to use stoppers on the top of the bolts, the fan is heavy enough that it won't ever come off. It's sitting on 2 washers to keep it spaced above the heatsink(caution: put your fan too close to heatsink will create backpressure and reduce life of the fan, and create lots of noise!). I attempted to cut into the heatsink with a big drill press, it just doesn't work well with the fins. I suggest finding another way to mount the fan and power supply, as you can see mine is ghetto rigged. Another suggestion, drill the LED into the heatsink with the 2 screw slots in the LED array. Thermal paste makes it slide around, screws would keep it 100% tight and efficient. Mine is held into place by a bracket on the power supply cord so it doesn't yank the LED off the heatsink. Also recommend doing that.

*as a request, I have put forth a LOT of effort into finding the right specs and everything needed to make this LED truly perform. If one of my readers does recreate this in a larger scale or even recreates this exact same model, please give credit where credit is due. And of course send me the link for it in action, I want to see these LEDs succeed!


Well-Known Member
Time for an update! :)

Overview Shot
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I finally landed my sativa pheno with this bag strain!!! I'm so happy :) I knew since I started growing it that it was a sativa/ind mix, so the potential for a more pure sativa plant was good. The leaves on this sucker are HUGE, in a week or so they could possibly be as big as my hand. She also hogs a LOT of light.
Here's some sativa glory:
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Trained indica plant:
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The indica is definitely getting used to the paint can, it fills it up completely when it's submerged. Doing LST and I did top it once, sativa has only been trained at this point.

And the Chocolope good ones :) (btw I don't mind if the sativa is male or female, cause if it is male I'm going to breed it with my best chocolope, to create a wicked sativa. If not well I'll have a really good sativa, win win if ya ask me! Although it does make me wonder about DNA's chocolopes are nice and squat, tight internode space and good color. It also looks that my favorite of the bunch also turned into a triploid. It's hard to tell though so I'm gonna wait a week before trying to confirm. It seems very odd that I'm seeing genetic oddities in this place coming from a well known breeder. I'm also having a hard time believing these are 95% sativa. Maybe I got a bad batch or somethin who knows. Here they are:
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Has anyone grown out Chocolope before? This just seems odd to me. If I could see another chocolope grow and they started similar to this then I might feel better. At this point I just don't know.. but either way they look like real nice little plants so I'm content.

Last but not least, my new 2gal aero-bucket is almost ready to go!
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Well-Known Member
How is this grow going?

And what is the total lighting in your new cab? also why a white? does it have a good mix of blue for veg?


Well-Known Member
How is this grow going?

And what is the total lighting in your new cab? also why a white? does it have a good mix of blue for veg?
The lighting is a 53.34w bridgelux LED, that's it! Why a white you ask? Well, I did a LOT of research on LEDs and I discovered this cool white LED has a slight bit more blue than a blue LED, PLUS all of the other wavelengths that having white light entitles. Also, this is one of the very few high powered LEDs out there. You will not find a single diode LED that's capable of 10,000 lumens. They just don't exist.

My theory was that the more INTENSE light source there is, the better the plants will grow. As is the case between CFL vs MH/HPS/CMH etc. I figured this same 'rule' applied to LEDs as well. To be honest I'm not quite sure if that's the case.

See, I got these 4 225led panels that are about 13.8w each. I put 3 of them together in a little makeshift cab(different from my current one). The amount of watts burned in 3 of these lights all light together is 41.4w. The 53w single diode is above my sativa dom mother plant. I can see over many days how the 53w diode goes grow my momma. What's interesting though, is that the 4 little plants I have under the red/blue LEDs are actually growing FASTER. I can come home from work and see the little ones growing faster than the bigger one. Here's some pics to illustrate:
First the red/blue:
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I regret to inform you I don't have pictures of the first time they experienced their new home, so you aren't able to see how much they've grown in a week's time.

And the sativa dom momma:
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To anyone venturing out in the custom LED grow world, I suggest scattered red/blue LEDs above the plants and as side lighting. As opposed to a single high powered light source. I am able to notice MORE growth in the red/blue cab than the pure cool white cab. I am also noticing that when dealing with heat and LEDs that white light is absorbed into black plastic EXPONENTIALLY over the red/blue LEDs. I am thinking I may have to rebuild my mommas cab to incorporate lots of smaller LEDs, such as the Cree XP-E. Do NOT use 5 or 10mm diodes. I also suggest staying AWAY from UFO or other top mount LED panels. The secret of LEDs is using them above AND to the sides of the plant mass.

Side note: I STILL haven't ordered pH,EC,TDS, etc treatment. As of this whole grow I've been growing with 100% tap water. I need to buy all the testing crap and nutrients but I haven't much time to research what brands are good to buy.

I'm looking for a good pH pen tester(not a constant on meter), a good supply of nutrients for a while to figure out this shiz legit(thinking SensiGrow A&B) atm, and a TDS tester. I will eventually save up for a RO filter machine to get as pure water as I'm able to :) If anyone has any advice on equipment I'm all ears!


Well-Known Member
Update time:

I got some nutrients FINALLY, and I'll let you, the viewers, decide if they're doing their job or not. :)

Still no water testing equipment, but I'll be ordering something shortly.

Not much else to here's the pics.

Chocolope's first:
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Now the interesting thing with the middle chocolope is that it's not putting out alternating nodes like normal plants do. I'm 100% convinced this one is a mutant. Look closely at the new leaves emerging.
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The second picture: look closely at the base of the stem. There are 4 leaves coming out of the stem there, instead of 2. I looked at the stem, it appears the first 5-6 nodes were proper and alternating, but the bigger it grows the more it's obvious this plant is mutated. I'm just hoping eventually it doesn't grow out of it. This would be a dandy mother plant.

And last but certainly not least my bag seed monster:
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Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
New design change, thought I outta throw up some pics here:
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Basically, I took this cab and drilled a hole big enough for the endcap to a 3" PVC pipe. In the end cap I drilled holes for the net pot and and water tube coming from my 5 gallon res. I'm sure there's better ways to do this, but this is just an experiment so I really don't care haha. Third picture shows how little light gets into the res chamber, and how much light is focused on the plant itself. 4th pic shows the crazy branch structure this plant has. Of all my chocolopes this one has the strongest stem, and I'm hoping will make a good mother plant.

Here's the others: (yes, I know it's really crammed right now)
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The tallest chocolope doesn't even come close to the best branch coming off my big lady. She keeps growing and growing more and more day by day, I'm finding that soon she's going to outgrow the 53w LED, it just doesn't have the coverage area that I need. No chance in hell this light could flower a plant, unless it was a sog style grow and there was 1 LED per plant. I'm finding these LEDs work GREAT, however the coverage area just isn't there. After watching both the chocolopes and my bag seed strain grow, it's apparent to me that side lighting is NEEDED for LED grows. They just don't have the coverage to go overhead, unless you have lots of them.

It is now my firm belief that 1 single powered LED is NOT as good as multiple lower powered LEDs place on all sides of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Update time:

My mother plant is getting so big I don't know how to train her anymore. The stem is getting too firm to bend so I have absolutely no clue what to do. I'm trying to get my buddy(who has precious space that I don't) to let me flower her under 400 or 600w hps at his house.

I'm also noticing that the growth on my mutant plant is very short and tight internode spacing. She doesn't seem to be growing as fast as my other chocolope children, but she also is showing how short and squat she can be with the right lighting. At this point, I'm still not able to tell which is the best smelling of the chocolopes. When I'm able to tell which one smells best, I'll likely use that as my chocolope mother.


Well-Known Member

I have removed 4 of the potential mothers since this plant has more of the characteristics I desire. One is good smell, I'm not 100% but I think this is the most 'chocolate' of the 4 chocolopes I started. After growing the strain out a little bit more I have noticed that the 'triploid' appearing plants are not triploids at all. One of the characteristics of this plant is verigated(sp?) stems and branching, nothing seems to be uniform. I'm hoping this is just the chocolate thai genetics. As of yet, none of the plants have formed pistils, so I'm hoping that these so called fem seeds stay fem. I guess the original chocolate thai will always go hermy, something I DEFINITELY don't want in my mother plant. So only time will tell...for now pictures!

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Growing strong under LEDs, side shoots almost as long as the plant is tall. No rhyme or reason which side of the stem the new growth is.

12/10(the move from red:blue to white LED)
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After this I trimmed a good 1/3 of the growth on the bottom of the plant, and a few fan leaves. Next I snapped the stem 90 degrees. Result:

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As you can see the transition is going wonderfully, may transplant up to 2g bucket, but not sure at this point as root base is still relatively small. Between the 'supercropping' and the trimming, it took her NO time to perk up towards the light. At this point I do believe that white LEDs are better than red:blue LEDs.

Not much else to say, so that's all folks.


Well-Known Member
Update time:

Due to the vigor of this plant I thought I'd throw up a couple more pictures of this plant.

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From my eyes, this plant was NOT the 95% sativa until I noticed how thin the right most leaf is. This gives me hope that she does actually have chocolate thai genetics in her somewhere.

As you can see, she has recovered from the supercropping. It used to be a 90 degree angle at the stem. Now she keeps pushing herself up towards the light and the break point is staring to get a nice knot going on. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to keep her at a 90 degree angle. But there she is in all her chocolope glory.

Oh btw I named her cocoa, due to her earthy musky smell. It has a hint of something floral in there, I believe this is the cannalope haze genetics talking. Either way though her growth rate is truly superb compared to the other plants I've had under my LED light.

Thanks all, folks.


Well-Known Member
This plant seriously grows so much it's hard to keep up with her!
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As you can see, stem is fattening up, roots haven't exploded actually(I believe they're more efficient with this strain, as my other strain had so many roots when it was at this stage in life), and internode spacing at the top of the plant is really nice. I'd say less than half an inch spacing between some of the top nodes.

I literally just clipped her for this picture:
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As you can see, it's pretty close to the LED and no burning whatsoever :) Also note how many potential clone sites are coming up. I've been tempted to chop off the top of this plant and try and root it(both to get another plant going, and also to encourage more side growth. With this genetics she just keeps wanting to grow up up up, I just don't have the room.

Thinking possibly another mother plant this time topped multiple times would be better. This plant is still thinking it needs to grow up instead of out, topping now wouldn't really help my cause out, as the top 2 offshoots will continue to keep growing up. I do have about 5 inches more of room, so we'll see what I decide to do..

Later folks.


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks for the encouraging words :)

Currently I'm designing the best most awesome flower system for 1 clone it's gonna be off the hook!

But everyone must wait until I get that up and running before I can start flowering, right now the mission is clones, and a nice healthy mother plant.