Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Looks great! can't believe your order hasn't made it yet. I'm sure it was the holidays and all the mayhem that goes on this season in shipping, but still no fun :( I'd say resending is the way to go at this point.

The herc will be worth the wait though :) One we have going has gotta be the most fuzzy trich covered nugs I've seen to date, the smell is unique and heavenly, and it's only half way done!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
CAT: Week 2 veg
WW: Week 1 veg
Two Empty spaces: Herc seeds

Still waiting for my seeds from Sannies. I send him an email asking him to resend them and I will let you guys know what he says.

Cat looks good. The leaves are as big as footballs lol.
Hey bro just to let you know those Kush leaves get huge! I had one that would cover my whole face, I was going to take a pic of it but decided not to. Looking good brotha! Glad to see some new plants in your mix!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey crypt just cheking in brotha! I know you had a surgery comming up just wondering if you are down from that now or just not much to update us with.


Active Member
Hey crypt just cheking in brotha! I know you had a surgery comming up just wondering if you are down from that now or just not much to update us with.
Hey Howie. Yes I have surgery on the 14th. My doctor informed me I cant smoke weed during my recovery (3 months or so) or lift anything heavy. I have pulled the seedlings that were growing as I will not be able to take care of them. Sucks but thats the way it goes. I'll try to start a new grow when I feel I can take care of the plants. Still waiting on those Sannie seeds. He reshipped them and 15 days later they are still not here.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Fuck that sucks bro! I hope for a speedy recovery my friend! Why can't you smoke weed? That seems a lil stupid to me! What was his reason for that shit?


Active Member
Fuck that sucks bro! I hope for a speedy recovery my friend! Why can't you smoke weed? That seems a lil stupid to me! What was his reason for that shit?
I'm having neck surgery that requirs bone graphs. They need lots of O2 to heal and bound. Smoking take O2 out of the system and can cause it not to heal right or the graph not take. This is my second surgery and I want it to be my last, so if Doc say not weed, its no weed lol. Sucks but we will see. Good side is my tolerance will go back down lol.


It sucks not being able to smoke but you gotta do what you gotta do for your health man. Plus like you said after 3 months you will get super ripped. Good luck with the surgery man.


Active Member
Hey guys thanks for the well wishes. Just to let you know, I will be back growing lol. Not sure when the next one will start, but it shouldn't be that long.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow that is super powerful rubbing in the delivery lol

Hope everything goes well bud, I'll get a nun to pray for ya. +rep for jesus


Active Member
I'm starting to get really annoyed with the Sannie thing. I know he's a good guy, but damn, two orders and neither has arrived? Been waiting for 7 weeks now. My address is a bit odd and I am wondering if he isnt writing it down wrong or something. Whatever it is, he cant seem to get them to my house.

I'm not suppose to lift anything heavy for three months, but I think I will start my next grow before that, but I have to take it day by day to see how I feel.

Think I might order some more seeds from the Tude so I will have seeds no matter what happens with this Sannie shit.


Well-Known Member
yeah, that is a ridiculously long time to wait... I'm about to place another order with him, we'll see how it goes. The last one got here fast...

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey Crypt if you aren't supposed to lift anything heavy does that mean you will have to sit down to piss for a lil while? LOL And yeah your addy may be the thing that is fucking him up on your order, I was thrown off by it a lil when I saw it. Oh and if you need him to mail it to someone else just PM me and I can forward it over to you if you want sannie to mail them to me! Did you explain to him that your addy was a lil weird? Like I said bro just PM me and if need be just have him mail them to me and I will Priority them over to your mud hut on the Crocodile River, South Africa! ;)


Active Member
funny when i saw your setup it reminded me of mine. Same dimensions, and oddly the same door... lol i have to get a pic. but you have mylar and different hoods .

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
funny when i saw your setup it reminded me of mine. Same dimensions, and oddly the same door... lol i have to get a pic. but you have mylar and different hoods .
LOL I love seeing Home Depot and Lowes 5 gal buckets used to grow weed! I wonder if they appriciate all the free advertising? Oh and from your pic's twenty2 I noticed you didn't have any catch trays for your pots/party cups. Do you pull them out to water them or are there any drain holes in the bottom? I had a buddy that was lazy and he just let the water spill out onto the ground!!!!!! He currently has mold problems. And if there aren't any drain holes you may get a root rot problem. Just some suggestions brotha. Other than that your plants look sweet! ;)


Active Member
lol there too good of a deal not to use. 5gal for $2.50. ya i dont have a catch tray... probably should get one soon... the party cups have 3 holes in the bottom for drainage and it drains onto cardboard :x. I havent had a mold problem yet but im gonna switch before it becomes an issue. i really dont mean to thread jack but i have a question. Since im using CFL i didnt want the plant to get too big... well topping 4 times and a pruning or two seemed to have little effect. so now my question is how much more lighting am i gonna need / should i switch to HPS? plant is 5 days into flower.
this pic is from yesterday.


Well-Known Member
bro if thats 5 days into flower, you still have at least 2 more weeks of stretch, what type and kind of light are you running, CFLs im assuming?

Crypt might be more of a help i you want to stick with CFL, but a 1000watt HPS will do that one plant right, unless you cant afford it than go with a 600wattHPS

thats just my own opinion. :)
