crystal meth

to the people that say meth should be legal next you will be saying its ok to rape a girl because its part of your religion. where do you draw the line?

I draw the line at natural law. What I do is my business as long as it hurts no one else.
I fucking HATE meth and the tweakers that rode in on it, but it should be their choice. Now if they decide to break into my home to support their corrosion, I'll put natural law aside and kill them dead.
People like to feel good. For some its a rush, others a fog. Imagine what life would be like if societies stopped the bullshit war on drugs and invested those billions on developing safe recreational drugs.
How about speed that didn't kill, opiates with no withdrawal symptoms, downers that you couldn't OD on. Wouldn't that be a great achievement? I have never heard a good argument for illegalizing drug use that did not involve health issues (mental and physical).
So what would society say if there were SAFE drugs? Oh, wait. There is a safe drug and they fucking illegalized it. Maybe its not really about health, eh?
By what deluded logic did you formulate this asinine comparison? My advocating that drugs should be legal, stem from a belief in personal liberty, and responsibility, as well as pragmatism. What does rape have to do with this? Advocating rape would mean you have no value of personal liberty whatsoever.

Its like saying to someone who thinks pot should be legal: 'next you will be saying it is ok to murder infant children...where do you draw the line?'

Makes no sense at all. Try again.
well i think we all know whos a user now
Yup, I haven't slept for 3 weeks straight. I have a lab in my grow room. I think the fumes give my bud a little extra kick, ya know?
Do you guys actually hate methamphetamine? Or do you hate the stigma related with the addiction and potential stupidity it causes? I see a difference. Not everyone who does meth does stupid shit.. but the potential for stupid people doing meth have a tendency to do more stupid shit ;-).
Result Of A Meth Lab explosion!

The reason a lot of meth labs explode is because of stupid people using a stupid tek which involves Anhydrous Ammonia.
meth labs explode because all meth is is volitile chemicals and sudafed
oxygen can explode shake and bake meth
meth is also cooked over an open flame witch would cause explosion

its not just the ammonia

muatric acid,butane,iodine,lye,matchbook strike pads,alcohol,paint thinner

all these are some things used in making meth
I know a lot of chemicals are explosive, but Anhydrous Ammonia is highly unstable, and the tek is very simple.

Methamphetamine is simple the reduction of pseudoephedrine, there are hundreds if not thousands of ways to do it.. and if you're not worried about yield you could even do a monomethylation of amphetamine.

The reason many meth labs blow up is because people use this as a reduction:
By what deluded logic did you formulate this asinine comparison? My advocating that drugs should be legal, stem from a belief in personal liberty, and responsibility, as well as pragmatism. What does rape have to do with this? Advocating rape would mean you have no value of personal liberty whatsoever.

Its like saying to someone who thinks pot should be legal: 'next you will be saying it is ok to murder infant children...where do you draw the line?'

Makes no sense at all. Try again.
i dont see my post, did you delete it.

let this hero get the last word i could care less. he is a meth head and isnt going to shut up anyways