The Warlord
Well-Known Member
I think it is ever so slightly exagerated but not by much.
Iono the media and school always did a way better job of scaring the shit outta us about meth...way more than weed and other drugs...
it worked on me, I mean its gotta be bad drug, I know everyone has seen those before and after pics of meth users lol meth as really bad as they say it is? or is even that exaggerated?
it takes over your mind. it is VERY addictive. a little goes a looooong way. if i did a rail right now i literally would not sleep until friday night, late. it just has that effect on me. i would immediately become paranoid as well. probably start pulling all my plants. or i'd end up pissing on them or something crazy.
It isn't nearly as good as it used to be. last time I tried it i got very little effect.
LMAO WOW! what a tragedy that would be...title of thread: "fdd chainsaws all his plants because he was tweaking" lmaoit takes over your mind. it is VERY addictive. a little goes a looooong way. if i did a rail right now i literally would not sleep until friday night, late. it just has that effect on me. i would immediately become paranoid as well. probably start pulling all my plants. or i'd end up pissing on them or something crazy.
you gotta know the right people.
though i haven't touched it in 6 years.
Sittin on a barrel of red phosphorus are we?![]()
NONE of my meth friends ever looked like that. and those are some pretty ugly mugs to begin with. took me a minute to figure out they are before and after.
She started out with potential:
i found that after a week or two on a good bender the whole universe appeared different. i would notice everything. things like a simple word. a word that was not uncommon but not commonly used. something like "splattered". someone would be telling me something and my paranoia would pick out the word "splattered" for some reason and key in on it. then for the next 3 days it would seem that everyone i talked to would work the word "splattered" into their conversation somehow. then they would look at me like "get it?" i never got it. i know this sounds like weird tweaker stuff but i paid attention to it for quite some time. it was really happening. it's kinda like LSD. once you do it you find out things that you never knew before. real things that only LSD will show you. at one point i was going to write it all down, make like a "journal". i can only imagine what it would say.
real stuff though, like we are all connected much closer then we realize.
anyone following or am i crazy?
dude, she's a hag and apparently had a MUG shot before she even started doing meth. she looks at least 50 in the first pic. the last pic almost looks better. except for the fucked up makeup. years 6 thru 9 looked pretty rough though. must have been hooking.