Cs or sts and where can i buy


Which is best sts or colloidal silver and where do I buy solutions already made I can't buy sts in parts because of the danger I could have other people in my hose hold and the silver method I don't understand, as any brought any solutions from any online retailer they recommend because from what I've read eBay and Amazon are hit and miss has anyone had any luck with sellers on eBay or amazon they recommend, any help or info would be appreciated
What dangers does silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate present if you don't swallow it?

You cant buy sts as far as I know because it wouldn't keep.

You can very easily make colloidal silver with a couple of 9v batteries , some silver, wire , pure water and a laser pen.
There are many fool proof guides online and on here to do it.

Personally I prefer STS because its less spraying and effort , following this guide its easy.

You cant buy sts as far as I know because it wouldn't keep

You actually can get(well pay for) a 2 part kit, on eBay....I know of this because I'm still waiting for my package to be shipped, after 9 days....
Previous feedback had "fast shipper" listed.
Put the bong down and get to the post office.
I'm doing autos 3x wedding cheese cake 2xg13 1x gelato, I thinking to use the silver on a g13 and pollinate the rest, the reason for this seed run to due to problems I can't really grow indoors so I'm wanting to do 1last safe run,indoor to collect as many seeds as possible, should I put the g13 I'm turning male in a few weeks earlyer then the rest due time it takes to produce pollon, I get the comcept but I've only ever grew buds not seeds so I'm kind of lost, once I've got seeds I can start a new project outdoors with enough seeds to trail and error