Cultivation in Ohio


Well-Known Member
Check it out here. Link

It says $100 fine for cultivation of 100g or less. What the fuck does that mean? Does anyone know of any past precedents on how growing plants translate into grams??

Also, its funny our gov't is using the metric system.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
We have some pretty lax laws here.

However, if you get caught cultivating, they don't just leave it at that. Intent to distribute, and a whole host of other charges come into play.

Also, they don't cut the buds off, dry them, and then charge you that weight. Most often, the entire plant is snipped at the base and weighed wet. If they really feel like dicking you, they pull up the plant with the rootball and weigh that. So that one plant in your closet that might yield less than 100 grams dry, actually weighs 1000g plus, and you have felonies. And that is just one plant.

Even a small scale op with say 6 plants, can send you over 20000g and into mandatory minimum territory, in which case you are fucked figuratively, and literally too if you're unlucky.
