
The ice isn’t smooth and there are little pebbles of ice that are’s hard to explain. When they sweep the ice the friction creates a film which allows the rock to run further and straighter.

It’s pretty fuckin stupid to watch but great fun to play. Especially bonspiels which many times are more a party than a sporting event.

like everything else.

but did he ever 'move on anyone like a bitch?' 'grab anyone by the pussy?'

talk about a crock of shit..if he was overstepping his bounds any of those women could have said so at any time..the word is "stop!' it's when men don't respect that, is the issue.

now men are always complaining about being wrongly accused of sexual discourse and this may just be the case. Cuomo is an older single shouldn't shit where you eat but often in work situations people do. If he was flirting (and people do flirt at work all the time so let's not pretend we're Mother Theresa here)'s when it goes past that..the grabbing, the raping.

it didn't go past that and if you want more, then we should be hermetically sealed by Funk and Wagnalls in a mayonnaise jar..or better yet wear bubble suits..hell we can't get people to wear a mask.

fvck those women; martyrs they're not!:finger:
So, after several women came forward, the most recent one claims he did "move on her like a bitch". Not "grab her by her pussy" but she claims he reached up her shirt to fondle her breast. After calling her to his home for "help in the office".

I'm keeping an open mind on this. But what is the count now? Seven women? I think we are getting closer to a Kavanaugh moment, when enough testimony is available to draw a conclusion that he is in fact a creep.

One or two women and it's his word against their. But seven "she-saids" pretty much swamps his one "he-said".

When I listen to Cuomo or read his speeches, I can't help but think that he's as bad of a narcissist as Trump. Maybe he's not as vile but he's def. a raving narcissist. Especially after seeing Trump out the door, I hate narcissists.
So, after several women came forward, the most recent one claims he did "move on her like a bitch". Not "grab her by her pussy" but she claims he reached up her shirt to fondle her breast. After calling her to his home for "help in the office".

I'm keeping an open mind on this. But what is the count now? Seven women? I think we are getting closer to a Kavanaugh moment, when enough testimony is available to draw a conclusion that he is in fact a creep.

One or two women and it's his word against their. But seven "she-saids" pretty much swamps his one "he-said".

When I listen to Cuomo or read his speeches, I can't help but think that he's as bad of a narcissist as Trump. Maybe he's not as vile but he's def. a raving narcissist. Especially after seeing Trump out the door, I hate narcissists.

You’re right, he is jut like trump. His actions were possibly worse than we originally thought.

How entitled do you have to feel to act like this after taking a course in sexual harassment?
So, after several women came forward, the most recent one claims he did "move on her like a bitch". Not "grab her by her pussy" but she claims he reached up her shirt to fondle her breast. After calling her to his home for "help in the office".

I'm keeping an open mind on this. But what is the count now? Seven women? I think we are getting closer to a Kavanaugh moment, when enough testimony is available to draw a conclusion that he is in fact a creep.

One or two women and it's his word against their. But seven "she-saids" pretty much swamps his one "he-said".

When I listen to Cuomo or read his speeches, I can't help but think that he's as bad of a narcissist as Trump. Maybe he's not as vile but he's def. a raving narcissist. Especially after seeing Trump out the door, I hate narcissists.

all of that is fine but this is someone's career he's a dem..they don't want anything taken away from Kamala Harris. she is our new 'it's my turn' girl. and by the way she did nothing but bitch when she ran out of money..what IS SHE DOING THIS VERY MOMENT TO MAKE CERTAIN OR ELECTIONS ARE FREE AND FAIR!

We are in America and you are innocent until proven about we go with that?

all those years we had to sit here with that FAT FUCK taking our country apart?

he was primaried and boy was he ever!

even as DeJoy was destroying the sorters? we hunkered down and locked (metaphoricaly) arms- we had to keep the faith..and that we did.

Politics is the ugliest game i've ever seen.

i want a neutral innvestigation
all of that is fine but this is someone's career he's a dem..they don't want anything taken away from Kamala Harris. she is our new 'it's my turn' girl. and by the way she did nothing but bitch when she ran out of money..what IS SHE DOING THIS VERY MOMENT TO MAKE CERTAIN OR ELECTIONS ARE FREE AND FAIR!

We are in America and you are innocent until proven about we go with that?

all those years we had to sit here with that FAT FUCK taking our country apart?

he was primaried and boy was he ever!

even as DeJoy was destroying the sorters? we hunkered down and locked (metaphoricaly) arms- we had to keep the faith..and that we did.

Politics is the ugliest game i've ever seen.

i want a neutral innvestigation
What is the connection between Kamala Harris and the accusations made against NY State's governor?

From this article:

“All allegations that we learn of directly or indirectly are going promptly to the investigators appointed by the attorney general.”

You will get your neutral investigation. I'm all for that. What you said is true about our justice system. The trial system places very high standards of evidence to be met before the state can deprive a person of their freedom. The court of public opinion doesn't have that power and so the threshold of belief doesn't require absolute proof.

I mean, we all know that Trump committed treason and attempted to violently overthrow our government. Any reasonably aware person knows this. Whether or not Trump does time depends on a court trial, the state's evidence and the ability to convince a jury that Trump is guilty. Trump did it, I just don't know if he will be convicted.

Same goes with Cuomo. Except I haven't seen any testimony made under oath and we haven't had months of messaging from Cuomo where he comes on to those women on twitter. Unlike Trump who could have filled an encyclopedia with his tweets that egged his supporters into insurrection, IF Cuomo did it, he didn't leave a trail of evidence. I'll make up my mind about him when people start testifying under oath. That said, it would seem that the people of NY are ready to see Cuomo out the door. That is their right.
Same goes with Cuomo. Except I haven't seen any testimony made under oath
i haven't followed this story much but... i'm always curious about the timing of these stories. like trump is gone now and cuomo (and fauci) were seen as the reality to his lies re: covid. is this payback? let's look for mysterious bank deposits too.

but yes, put them under oath, under threat of jail for perjury, and let's see if these stories hold water.
if cuomo turns out to be a piece of shit, so be it. impeach him and move on.
i haven't followed this story much but... i'm always curious about the timing of these stories. like trump is gone now and cuomo (and fauci) were seen as the reality to his lies re: covid. is this payback? let's look for mysterious bank deposits too.

but yes, put them under oath, under threat of jail for perjury, and let's see if these stories hold water.
if cuomo turns out to be a piece of shit, so be it. impeach him and move on.
From reports coming from NY, Cuomo and De Blasio botched their response to the virus and caused the surge in infection rates early in the epidemic last year.

Seattle’s Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead. New York’s Did Not
The initial coronavirus outbreaks on the East and West Coasts emerged at roughly the same time. But the danger was communicated very differently.

But I didn't post that here to complain about Cuomo's botched response. From what Cuomo said and his actions, he comes across as a complete narcissist asshole. Then these reports come out about sexual abuse from women who have worked with him and the two together are simply too close to the kind of shit Trump pulled. Cuomo will fight this. Maybe he's innocent, maybe not. But I just watch the amount of rhetoric rise and can understand why the people of NY might want to see him gone.

It could be a hatchet job, investigations will continue.
i haven't followed this story much but... i'm always curious about the timing of these stories. like trump is gone now and cuomo (and fauci) were seen as the reality to his lies re: covid. is this payback? let's look for mysterious bank deposits too.

but yes, put them under oath, under threat of jail for perjury, and let's see if these stories hold water.
if cuomo turns out to be a piece of shit, so be it. impeach him and move on.

and if those girls turn out to be POS. Timing is everything. But what will happen to the women if they are found to be without morals and this is a stunt.

don't al franken this guy because the one who did no longer has a career..did you happen to notice? i can't even remember her much for the presidential opportunity.
and if those girls turn out to be POS. Timing is everything. But what will happen to the women if they are found to be without morals and this is a stunt.

don't al franken this guy because the one who did no longer has a career..did you happen to notice? i can't even remember her much for the presidential opportunity.
not sure what your point is? didn't franken admit his behavior was childish but still inappropriate?

seems like either cuomo is a pos and he deserves the repercussions. or he's being railroaded: to waht end we don't know yet.
and if those girls turn out to be POS. Timing is everything. But what will happen to the women if they are found to be without morals and this is a stunt.

don't al franken this guy because the one who did no longer has a career..did you happen to notice? i can't even remember her much for the presidential opportunity.
The decision is up to NY's voters. It's under investigation too. No reason to be hasty about choosing a side, though I will always at least be open to listening to women who make to claims like this. Something like seven women have come forward thus far. You must know that by coming forward, those women have probably put their careers on the line.

I could see being very skeptical if one woman with a checkered past of odd behavior came forward but several women? One of whom was very specific about Cuomo doing more than sexual harassment, she claimed sexual assault. But like I said, my opinion is my own and has no bearing on what happens to Cuomo.

Weren't you the one who went on and on about Biden being a pedo? And what's your rage against Harris? Then you get as partisan about protecting Cuomo as any MAGA guy who denies that Trump did anything wrong. To you and them, I say, let the investigations continue.
From what I hear, it was painful to work for him.

The end-of-year guessing game on who might land invitations has long fueled resentment and speculation, especially among women, who have sometimes wondered if younger aides get invited only if they accede to an office culture still rooted in the “Mad Men” era — including an expectation that they wear high heels to work.
