Cup o' Water Germination Question


Active Member
I have seeds in a cup of water waiting to be germinated. Do I take them out once they sink or once the taproot appears?:hug: for whoever gives me a good answer. And potentially +rep depending on my mood muahahaha


Well-Known Member
I'm not in this for the rep but place them in soil once you see them crack/swell. Roots will appear even under water but you dont want them submerged too long as it can lead to rotting.


Active Member
ahh fantastic - theyve only been submerged for 10 hours or so, but theyve both dropped. Maybe a couple more hours until theyve swollen?


Well-Known Member
I always go Cup O water Method ...After I see the lil Green Foot It's Off to be planted :) Tangerine Dream Took 6 full days to Crack 7 to see the foot :) Not all of them sink not all of them Crack In 48 Hours :) patience is a virtue


Active Member
Splendid, splendid. I'll wait for those signs tomorrow. I'm trying out all different ways and seeing what works best. So far nothing really - i ordered Nirvana's germination kit so we'll see where that goes. Thanks to all!