Cupped leaves and burnt tips


Hi everyone
I don’t know if these symptoms are mute burn or possibly light or heat stress. I’m in week 5 of flower. Have only been watering with molasses the past couple of weeks hoping it might get better. Rotating with regular water every other watering. The PH of the water is around 6.2. Give it take. Although I noticed that my runoff water is 5.5.
I moved my lights up about 6 inches as well. But the burnt tips are spreading. I’m so close to the finish and don’t know what to do. Please help



Well-Known Member
Hard to tell with the yellow lighting.
Second pic does show some issues.
More info on environmental conditions will help.


I live in a very humid area. So my RH averages 50%-60%. Temp around 70-75. I have one 8 inch fan on the ground and 6 inch oscillating above the canopy. Exhausting air out the top of the tent with fresh air coming in from the bottom.


It started at new growth from the top of the bud sights. The leaves turned a lighter green and started to cup and become crispy in some areas.


Hard to tell with the yellow lighting.
Second pic does show some issues.
More info on environmental conditions will help.
I live in a very humid area. So my RH averages 50%-60%. Temp around 70-75. I have one 8 inch fan on the ground and 6 inch oscillating above the canopy. Exhausting air out the top of the tent with fresh air coming in from the bottom.


what soil,what light,what food etc.
Some growing soil I found in my garage. Not sure of the brand.
the light is a Vivosun. 400w HPS. The light says super HPS. Has settings to make the light stronger. I was told to put it on highest setting. At this point I’m only watering with ph balanced water and adding molasses every other watering. I use half a teaspoon per 2 liter of water.


Well-Known Member
Take some pics when the light goes out. The flash on your phone will give true colours.


Well-Known Member
Molasses info can be found in the organic section. You could goggle molasses rollitup that should help you. Bag soil probably is out of nutes by now but I don’t have experience with the molasses. I do see some yellow in between the veins. Hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn

You say you've only been watering with water and molasses recently but what were you feeding prior to that? It looks like you were overfeeding and once you saw the leaves were getting crispy fried you stopped. The problem is the damage has already been done. Those leaves will not get better and may even get worse by the time you harvest.

I doubt a 400 watt HPS is going to do that to your plants unless it's almost sitting right on top of the plants. Your temps are fine.


Nute burn

You say you've only been watering with water and molasses recently but what were you feeding prior to that? It looks like you were overfeeding and once you saw the leaves were getting crispy fried you stopped. The problem is the damage has already been done. Those leaves will not get better and may even get worse by the time you harvest.

I doubt a 400 watt HPS is going to do that to your plants unless it's almost sitting right on top of the plants. Your temps are fine.
before the molasses I was Trying to do home made organic stuff. a tea of coffee (1/2 teaspoon soak in a cup. From that 1 teaspoon per liter of water) egg shells ( old dried crushed and soaked in water same as the coffee) , and urine. I read to use the urine at 1/20th to water. But to be on the safer side I went 1/20th.
these methods are from different blogs and websites. My plant grew fabulously from day one With very little effort. I read that molasses was a good source of nutrients and really hard to over do. So I slowly cut back on the other stuff when I switched to 12/12. And have only been using the molasses these past 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
before the molasses I was Trying to do home made organic stuff. a tea of coffee (1/2 teaspoon soak in a cup. From that 1 teaspoon per liter of water) egg shells ( old dried crushed and soaked in water same as the coffee) , and urine. I read to use the urine at 1/20th to water. But to be on the safer side I went 1/20th.
these methods are from different blogs and websites. My plant grew fabulously from day one With very little effort. I read that molasses was a good source of nutrients and really hard to over do. So I slowly cut back on the other stuff when I switched to 12/12. And have only been using the molasses these past 3 weeks.
Cats out of the bag now lol,Obviously something in your mix is not playing well.


This is a bag seed that I sprouted on a whim. Never grew marijuana before. It sprouted and was growing fast with me just giving it tap water. As it got bigger I started researching tips to help it along. Low stress training, nutes etc. at first I was just excited to smoke something I grew myself with my bare hands. Even if it turned out to be some shit weed. It was MY SHIT WEED. But then she started growing so impressively. I began to invest in her quality of bud. you know what it was like when you saw your first plant thriving in this new world from birth. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ME NOW.


Well-Known Member
before the molasses I was Trying to do home made organic stuff. a tea of coffee (1/2 teaspoon soak in a cup. From that 1 teaspoon per liter of water) egg shells ( old dried crushed and soaked in water same as the coffee) , and urine. I read to use the urine at 1/20th to water. But to be on the safer side I went 1/20th.
these methods are from different blogs and websites. My plant grew fabulously from day one With very little effort. I read that molasses was a good source of nutrients and really hard to over do. So I slowly cut back on the other stuff when I switched to 12/12. And have only been using the molasses these past 3 weeks.
I don't know what to tell you but the plant looks burnt. You must have hot piss :bigjoint:

Just ride it out. Looks like your close to harvest so not much you can do at this point.


I don't know what to tell you but the plant looks burnt. You must have hot piss :bigjoint:

Just ride it out. Looks like your close to harvest so not much you can do at this point.
Thanks. I was thinkin the same thing. ‍♂ Suck it up and tough it out till the end.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone
I don’t know if these symptoms are mute burn or possibly light or heat stress. I’m in week 5 of flower. Have only been watering with molasses the past couple of weeks hoping it might get better. Rotating with regular water every other watering. The PH of the water is around 6.2. Give it take. Although I noticed that my runoff water is 5.5.
I moved my lights up about 6 inches as well. But the burnt tips are spreading. I’m so close to the finish and don’t know what to do. Please help
Definitely nute burn