Cure for Cancer found!


Well-Known Member
cure was found long ago there is some cell in the back of the nose that can help reverse it ...........they do not cure it becuase it is one of the controll methods to keep the population number under control

they can cure most stuff and fix most stuff but once the resreach is done it never has to be releases since it is privatly owned cure might be 100k but to keep u alive for 20 years would be 10 million so where is the reason for them to do it


Well-Known Member
yah yah yah and they said humans did not come from monkeys and the earth was flat and the whole universe earth was the center

just keep learning and ? everything if they tell u the sky is blue u ask why and prove it ........................i am sick and tied of ppl when they can not understand or they do not want to beleive they just make fun of it

here is something explain to me WHY MAGIC JOHNSON is still alive and looks like he has never had the hiv or aids virus while u can look at millions of others and they are dying away with in years
so unless u have run the idea and the exp yourself do not call anything pseudoscience .........every important thing was made fun of untill later ppl sawl the value .............all of telsa ideas were proven corrrect including the death ray which is still classified after all this time some history look up less likly to make fun of something when u see the patterns we fallow


Well-Known Member
i'm absolutely positive that i'll be reading all about colloidal silver curing AIDS in leading reputable medical journals any day now.

in my science world, "magic johnson" constitutes a sufficient sample size to satisfy any suspicions.


Active Member
here is something explain to me WHY MAGIC JOHNSON is still alive and looks like he has never had the hiv or aids virus while u can look at millions of others and they are dying away with in years
Magic Johnson is hiv positive. I believe there is a difference between hiv and aids. Hiv is the leadup to full blown aids I think. If found early, you will just be hiv positive, and medicine can keep it controlled nicely. If it goes undetected for a long period of time, it becomes full blown aids. And then you're pretty much fucked.

Also, Magic has lots of money, and money cures aids. Haven't you seen south park? :eyesmoke:


New Member
Magic Johnson is hiv positive. I believe there is a difference between hiv and aids. Hiv is the leadup to full blown aids I think. If found early, you will just be hiv positive, and medicine can keep it controlled nicely. If it goes undetected for a long period of time, it becomes full blown aids. And then you're pretty much fucked.

Also, Magic has lots of money, and money cures aids. Haven't you seen south park? :eyesmoke:
Kyle: Are you Sure?

Cartman: I'm not just sure, I'm HIV positive


Well-Known Member
i'm absolutely positive that i'll be reading all about colloidal silver curing AIDS in leading reputable medical journals any day now.

in my science world, "magic johnson" constitutes a sufficient sample size to satisfy any suspicions.
Haha... Of course you wont... Big pharma is about treating the symptoms, not curing the disease... But that's just more conspiracy wacko theories, right?

New research shows antibiotics may become up to 1,000 times more powerful with the addition of silver.
Article isn't from Jerusalem Post or Jewish Virtual Library, so I doubt you'll even read it but here it is for the non-close minded simpletons:


Well-Known Member
Haha... Of course you wont... Big pharma is about treating the symptoms, not curing the disease... But that's just more conspiracy wacko theories, right?

Article isn't from Jerusalem Post or Jewish Virtual Library, so I doubt you'll even read it but here it is for the non-close minded simpletons:
all the anti-semitism that you can muster won't change into a reputable medical journal.

any medical professional in the world would be chomping at the bit to tout the cure for AIDS. no imagined conspiracy of yours will ever change this fact. the fact is that there is no evidence for your claim, plain and simple.

do get back to me when there is ample evidence to support your assertion (anti-semitism is no substitute for evidence, in case you were planning on trying that again).

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
it'll turn you into a smurf, and it will accumulate in your tissues and exacerbate health problems and interfere with medications, but i have not heard that it is a deadly toxin.


Well-Known Member
cure was found long ago there is some cell in the back of the nose that can help reverse it ...........they do not cure it becuase it is one of the controll methods to keep the population number under control

they can cure most stuff and fix most stuff but once the resreach is done it never has to be releases since it is privatly owned cure might be 100k but to keep u alive for 20 years would be 10 million so where is the reason for them to do it
Well, I already own a full clone of myself. I want to have at least 6. That way I am covered for all my organ transplants through least the 150 more years.

Oh it costs. But, I'm in the secret Republican Free Money Society. Finally! (psstt I'm secretly not even a Republican)

I used to have to rob my own graves....embarrassing to say. Yes, lots have changed in the last 182 years.

I have a Soul Print Card already, so I'm set there, as well.

Yep secret immortality and of course, I had that cancer cure 17 times already....It works, but costly and secret private medicine can also be dangerous if the general population finds out. Well, the Society has ways to make sure secrets are keep.

I haven't seen that cancer cure in the newspaper like that since 1653. Back then we had to murder fresh, and I remember thinking maybe this will produce less corpses now the trools (that's what we them) have found out. But, no. The trools didn't believe it then and I bet they won't believe it now. And we don't need the trools any longer for parts.

Oh, wait....what? Sorry, Robert, my, ehh...,simulation, has just told me the ship is ready for launch. I'm attending the opening of the Exo-Marine exhibit of the Interplanetary Association, on the Dark Side. There will be a showing of the interesting new finds from Europa.....ta ta, Trools. That could be in the papers one day!

Yeah, well fun cost money. :)
What country did that Polish guy come from? Poland? Oh snap! there's proof Cockatoo is a retard! There! I done did and said it; Cockatoo is a proven retard. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I splashed silver nitrate on my hand and I had a black spot that took about 20 years to fade away.


Well-Known Member
So, in a weird twist of fate, and cosmic alignment... Magic's Son, is Gay. Do you think, he thinks: "Well my dad beat it, I've got all his money... if I get HIV/Aids I'll also be fine"