Hey Guys,
It is 100 percent True, My brother would be dead if I had not found out about the cancer cure (Hemp Oil) not to be confused with Hemp Seed Oil. I found out about rick Simpson
of Phoenixtears.ca and begged my brothers friend to give it to him since he was almost gone. Almost immediately from Incureable stomach Cancer he is doing Excellent. This Shit works. But the drug companies dont want you to grow your own cure's (It's all about Money). Shazam007
It is 100 percent True, My brother would be dead if I had not found out about the cancer cure (Hemp Oil) not to be confused with Hemp Seed Oil. I found out about rick Simpson
of Phoenixtears.ca and begged my brothers friend to give it to him since he was almost gone. Almost immediately from Incureable stomach Cancer he is doing Excellent. This Shit works. But the drug companies dont want you to grow your own cure's (It's all about Money). Shazam007