Curin Question


Active Member
i was on mandala seeds website the other day gathering info and on there it said that zip-loc freezer bags were very good for curing is there anybody else who cures this way who can back this up i would greatly apreciate it its just alot of people down them for curing bud
It might be the most convenient, or cheapest method, however kief sticks to plastic because of the bag's electrical charge. Also, the bags are not as air tight as a mason jar with a lid that has a rubber seal. I would not use them for curing.
Glass jars all the way :) I goto the local DollarRama & get these 500 ml glass jars with lids. They have an outer skin of metal except for a small say 3/4" wide by the height of the jar slot in the metal housing where you can see the glass & the level of the contents. They cost me $2.00 & work GREAT! I store the reserves in them & keep one bottle on hand for use.

I keep them on a shelf with the viewing window against the wall so no or very little light gets in. Should be able to keep them in there for a VERY long time. & they dont break if you drop them because of the metal outer skin.
my friend used plastic freezer bags and it want okay.. just suffered a touch on the taste though... i noticed but he didnt seem too..
im growing outdoor so its hopefully going to be pounds and them mason jars are expensive after a while is there any otha way to cure