Curing - and other Urban Legends


Well-Known Member
Flora Nova as the base.
sensi cal bloom
flouralious bloom
Kool Bloom Powder
Blast off
Sicla blast
Big bud powder
overdrive weeks 6-8
I also supplament with c02 at 1000 ppm
I rinse with water and molasses 30ml per 5 gallons of water


Well-Known Member
Flora Nova as the base.
sensi cal bloom
flouralious bloom
Kool Bloom Powder
Blast off
Sicla blast
Big bud powder
overdrive weeks 6-8
I also supplament with c02 at 1000 ppm
I rinse with water and molasses 30ml per 5 gallons of water
Thats a lot of shit...Man! I use mircle grow 10 10 10
Mircle grow bone meal 6 9 0
Mircle grow blood meal for Veg 12-0-0
Bat shit .5 12 2
and molasses same rate 30 ml per 5 gallons


Well-Known Member
Thats a lot of shit...Man! I use mircle grow 10 10 10
Mircle grow bone meal 6 9 0
Mircle grow blood meal for Veg 12-0-0
Bat shit .5 12 2
and molasses same rate 30 ml per 5 gallons
Wow that's really kinda funny beings I c&p'd that from the first page of your grow journal.


Well-Known Member


If you look at cuttings they are structurally different than the mother. It should be a habit to keep a mother plant to clone from as oppose to cloning then cloning then cloning from clones.


Well-Known Member
And please explain why you would promote that? What is wrong with taking cuttings from a previous cutting?

If you look at cuttings they are structurally different than the mother. It should be a habit to keep a mother plant to clone from as oppose to cloning then cloning then cloning from clones.


Well-Known Member
Sums it up. If I understand it right I should keep it in a jar in a cool dark place when dried, opening it up daily for an hour or so to get some fresh air in. But how many days is best, or should i be mesuring it in weeks before it's peaked. I've been told it takes time for the clorophyl to break down - is this bollocks or what?:

I've been told that a clone of a clone of a clone etc will gradually lose strenght taste and aroma, i can't see why - is this true?

You've got the process down pretty much buddy. Keep in mind though, just speaking from personal experience.. it takes (depending on strain/genetics) generally at least 3 weeks worth of curing, in order to get most/all of the remaining chlorophyll/moisture out.. and for the non-active THC to convert to active-THC and to break down some of the simple sugars.. as well as let the terpenes (responsible for taste/smell) do their thing. Just keep that in mind.. at least three weeks no matter the strain.

Now, I have "read" or "heard" of some people saying that their product was fully cured just after two weeks worth of curing. In my opinion.. they cured it a bit too fast.. and probably ended up with a little more "green taste" than they probably wanted in the end of the cure. You'd be amazed at how much difference just one week can/will make. A lot of things happen in just one week.. Just trying to help educate people that are serious about growing.. that's all.

Lastly.. remember this.. the slower you cure the product, the better the end result will be. The slower you cure, the better the taste/smell/potency will be in the end.

Just some things to maybe keep in mind..

So yeah, whoever told you that it takes time for these processes to occur/happen.. that person was indeed correct.



bud bootlegger
i don't understand why people would think that taking a cutting off of a plant, and rooting it, and growing it out would make the plant any different at all from the plant it was taken from.. i just don't get the thinking there, after all, you are taking the same exact genetics, in fact, it is just a part of the mother plant, and growing it out, how on earth is anything going to be different from the plant that the cutting was taken from?? its the same dna, each and every time, no matter how many times the clone has been cloned.. in reality, the 199th clone of a clone, is still a part of the mother plant that it came from, where is this change going to come from??
now saying that, genetic drift is a fact, but like serapis has already pointed out, its a very slow process, and a very mild one, and one that we would probably never notice in our life time, nor the life time of the plant..