curing bud on the plant


is this possible? i have lemon skunk thats not quite ready (9 weeks) but im going out of town in a week for 9 days is it ok just to stop watering when i leave and let it cure on the plant?


Well-Known Member
It won't cure on the plant you have to dry the buds then cure them in jars.. It would be 'okay' to stop watering for 9 days I guess as the plant will draw what water/nutrients are left from the plant itself.. curing is a totally different process which you do after you have trimmed & dried the buds Before you go out of town give the plant a good water with plenty of run-off.. you should be okay


yea thats what i ment for it to dry on the plant then chop and cure in jars when i get back. i think if i chop and let dry for 9 days it would be too dry when i get back.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
drying and curing are not the same thing

i would rather you cut it
trim the big fans off
and let it hang dry untill you come back
then cure it in jars

place in mason jars 3/4filled. sealed tight for 12hr in a dark place
open jar and take buds out and let dry for 30m to 1hr or untill dry to touch
replace in jars resealed in a dark place
repeat this for 2wks to a month or untill buds nolonger become wet in jar after 12hr
now smoke
or seal away for long term store
Yeah just let it dry on the plant while your gone... chop it down and cure when you get back. If you have a timer you could set you could go to total DARK for the last 2-3 days of your trip, draw out every last bit of energy/water...


Just chop and let dry. They should be pretty well dry by the time you get back then you can either let them dry further or you can go ahead and cure them IF THEY'RE READY. The potency will increase once they're chopped down because the cells metabolize the nutrients they have stored. If you're satisfied with the amount of cloudy and amber trichs then chop now but if you've still got a decent amount of clear then let it go while you're gone. I'm not gonna be one of the people who get on your ass about chopping too early because if you read anything on this forum you should know by now when to chop, but drying on the plant won't work as well as you might think because if it's still alive then it will still be respirating and releasing H20 vapor which is slightly counterproductive. Within 9 days you could also get bud rot starting so just make sure you're not leaving the plant(s) in too high of humidity. Pretty much just up to whatever you want to do and when you really want to harvest. Good luck with the grow though!


Well-Known Member
Yeah just let it dry on the plant while your gone... chop it down and cure when you get back. If you have a timer you could set you could go to total DARK for the last 2-3 days of your trip, draw out every last bit of energy/water...
dude it will not dry while its still in the dirt.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if you try to let it dry on the plant you chance the plant drawing all the energy from the bud back into the stems and leaves plants do this to survive
cut it before you leave
let it dry while your gone
come back a cure it in the jars

you can let plants dry to the bone and still cure them later

your beter of giving them a good water before you go and then harvesting them late
then trying to dry them on the plant
a late harvest would just give you a full budy stone