So a few years ago my grandfather passed away and out of all the things he owned that I now have access to, one is a very nice humidor. He was a very big fan of his cigars, and this humidor has internal measurements of about 5 feet tall, and three feet wide and deep. It is a very nice machine, it has a thermostat and a humidistat (not sure if that is what you call it, but it can automatically keep the humidity within certain ranges.) Anyway, I have been reading up on curing as a friend of mine is expecting his first harvest sometime soon. I have seen many people say that you can store cured bud in a humidor, but could one use one for the curing process? He has 6 outside plants going an is expecting to get about 3 pounds dry. He feels that this might be too much work using the mason jar curing technique. (By the way, how much weight can one fit in a mason jar?) So his options are to go and buy a bunch of the 1/2 gallon mason jars, or to maybe see if this might work. Since it appears to me that the purpose of the mason jar is to keep the humidity in a certain range, would it be possible to achieve the same results if he were to just hang dry his harvest for a few days, and then set the humidistat to say, 60% or whatever and pack his harvest in the large humidor? How many of those 1/2 gallon jars would my friend need for 3lbs of bud?