curing jar idea

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
So ive been reading alot of threads about curing, jar size, keeping it in a dark place and all that good stuff. And ive seen alot of ppl having trouble finding a jar big enough for them real big long colas.

so here is my idea.

what if you use whatever lingth you required of 4" pvc with a cap on eather end. Easy to open, and light proof, plz let me know your thoughts.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
That should work if you get an airtight seal each time you open and close.
I'm not sure how the taste will come out?
I'm big on glass so just thinking...


Well-Known Member
I've used gallon size pickle jars that I repurposed for weed. Works great for big buds, and will hold about 4 zips at full capacity. Wash the jar out with a little bleach solution to get rid of the pickle smell, or use a fragrant dish soap and soak it for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
I dunno about the PVC. I kinda like glass too. I just use quart sized repurposed moonshine jars. Keep my stash in a porcelain canister. The lid seals. I mean your water runs through PVC so. It's probably safe. I guess as long as it doesn't affect flavor, smells or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Wash the jar out with a little bleach solution to get rid of the pickle smell, or use a fragrant dish soap and soak it for a few hours.
I've found that Ajax Super Degreaser dish detergent works well. Just throw a TBS in. Fill it with hot water and let it sit in the sun for a day. It seems to kill all the pickle smell no problem.


Well-Known Member
go to your local deli n ask em to save the pepper jars (1 gal.). they usually poke a hole in the lid, but that can be easily fixed.