Curing: jars versus tupperware

I use the foodsaver vacuum sealer after my buds have cured. If your buds will be transported then this is a necessity. I ain't saying it will beat the dogs, but it will beat copers all day long. As far as crushing tha buds, NOPE. For me it does a perfect job. Plus you can control the amount of air being vacuumed. I guess you could crush buds but with a little common sense and you will be good. Good luck
foodsaver vacum sealer.
a must for a low humidity environment.
I agree, anything over 4-5 pounds just isn't practical to jar. If the product is going to the market who cares anyway. I use to slow dry, jar cure, then vacuum seal for delivery. But 9/10 of these fucking guys don't give a fuck or appreciate your efforts anyway. Most don't even know what "curing" is anyway. So now I still slow dry and vacuum seal for delivery, but the jar curing I leave for my own personal stash and what I share with close friends. Most of these guys are gonna nickel and dime ya anyhow. You might think or want to get $400/oz but in reality you will be lucky to get $300/350 per oz.
all the ppl i know what curing is and what a fine smoke is lol guess just a diff crowd
We're cool TinyTurtle !
Not that big a deal.
Back in the late 80's, when I sold weight in L.A. , I just kept it in 30gal Rubbermaid trash cans b/c it didn't last long enough to jar, vacuum seal or store !
Chop, hang dry, into trash can and out the door.
Dropped QP's, half and whole elbows (LBS) only !
Glad you finally admitted to actually using jars yourself.
Even if it is for personal use, you obviously recognize it's superior STORAGE to plastic bags.
But for commercial distribution, vacuum seal it and move it out. I agree.
True - you have to be sure the tupperware is of a high quality and free of odours from the last curry chicken. The best tupperware is pretty good and easy to clean from the odours. The not so good ones will have that smell forever. And yes - cheap ones sometimes smell from plastic.
i have cured in top quality air tight plastic container that has 4 plastic locks could not tell the difference from the glass,as long as the early part of the curing is done correctly
I cure in cardboard boxes wrapped in plastic wrap. I tape wax paper to the bottom of the box to catch the trichs that fall.
like 6 YRS old,lol
And glass is not porous for the love of shit.

The rubber in the pickle jar as well as the paint on the lid may retain a smell but glass isn't porous.
Why get plastic if you can afford glass, if you have spent a lot of cash buying seeds, paying electric/h2o bills, consumables, nutes and stuff why stop there and save a few from glass to plastic. Glass would just store longer, i dont just use ordinary airtight jars made in china, i get the good quality ones from balls jar. I have 3 yrs old buds here that still reeks in smell and smoke is second to none. Ive gave some of my new harvest/cure. Still savin my old buds stored in glass mason jars for myself. Even my small seed vault container cost me about 75bucks wach, gotta protect them investments
I'm always reading about curing buds in jars, but never a mention of tupperware or other plastic sealable containers. Does it really matter long as they get no air.

We have no jars but shitloads of plastic containers

Tupperware is fine..A lot of pot growers say things that can't possibly be backed up by science. It's really hard to impart flavors into the weed. You could half fill the jar with oranges and it wouldnt change the flavor of the smoke...