Curing N WEIRD WAY!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay here it goes what if when drying the plant you cut up all the buds and put in a jar even though its wet put keep the jar open till the RH goes to 55 THEN CURE I know you would get mold cause it realy wet but if you keep shaking the buds around , I bet it would smoke harsh (I know how to cure properly and have a good result) just curious if anyone tryed or whatever


I have read about this somewhere, I thought it sounded like a good idea, first grow so I am nowhere near harvest. I will try find the link for it. Glad you asked the question.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do this if this is your first go but by all means go for it! Haha kewl find that info bro!!@


Well-Known Member
if u jar the weed up before getting enough of the moisture out is going to taste awlful and the weed will change color from greens and all to browns and reds

i done a few cures and tried all but one trick......(freezer with dry ice and hang them over that with cookiesheets ontop of the dry ice)
the honest best way i have found is this
get a tent .......use one of those teir fabric dry cure racks ( mine is 35 inchs by 6 layer holds 4 oz per layer) .........u hang that in a tent u lay the buds out on that the tent has a fan on the bottom blowing and moving around (does not have to be strong just has to move air in tent around) .....the top u have a carbon scrubber with just a booster fan ....intake a booster fan

if u have the cash u want to add in a humity senor with a dehumifier and humitier the lvl u want is 50% ......40 to 60% is safe range

(after u fan leaf trim)now clip the plant in branches and lay it on the rack .............turn on the fans and shut the tent for 7 days after that they will be crispy and cut/trim up fast then u jar them the remaining moisture in the stems are sucked into the buds over the time this is where the burps the jars come in .........first 2 weeks in jars u burp every 48/72 hours for 20 mins ........weeks 3 tho 5 burp it once a week 20 mins ........week 6 untill gone open when u need it it is cured and done

your temps must be below 80 f during the dry curing jarring and storage ............heat over 80 makes THC degrade faster
your light .........LIGHT IS BAD it degrades the thc during the dry and cure time the least amount of light the better
humity ...........if humity is to low your stuff drying goes to a hay smell if humity is to high u get mold ..........the hay smell will go away and does not effect the taste or the power

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Okay here it goes what if when drying the plant you cut up all the buds and put in a jar even though its wet put keep the jar open till the RH goes to 55 THEN CURE I know you would get mold cause it realy wet but if you keep shaking the buds around , I bet it would smoke harsh (I know how to cure properly and have a good result) just curious if anyone tryed or whatever
Thats somthing babyjoker 13 would do that idea isn't loc's at all!


Well-Known Member