Curing w/ Flavors????

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
yeah, weed tastes pretty good, but I'd like some veriety in my smoke. I wanna feel like I just ate a fruit salad after smoking


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is just find a strain that appeals to your tastes. For me strawberry haze is a great strawberry taste; jamaican grape is good for well grape, there are MANY strains that offer flavour already infused into the genetics...just do a little research and you should find something that meets your needs.


Well-Known Member
i hate this question, there are several threads like it. if you dont like the taste of fine herb, get the fuck off this site. late


Well-Known Member
i know wat ya mean i got a plant that tastes like shi* but gets ya wrecked try this get some mint (herb) when ya weed is dry put layers of fresh mint with ya weed inbetween in a glass storage jar seal keep checking make sure mint dont go mouldy empty out repack a cpl times after 3 days to a week ya should have mint flavoured weed haha no magic wand required


Active Member
I would use mason jars (make sure the bud is dried well before doing this so it doesn't develop mold). Put some cinnamon, mint, dried fruits, whatever you want in the bottom of the jar, then get some type of netting / screen to divide the nice aromatic smells from the herb. I would then cure them for 1-3 months. That will for sure help the taste, personally I would use dried strawberries. Fruit driers are very easy to come by.

P.S. it sucks that no one really tried to answer your question...people are ignorant here for a pothead forum.

Oh and FYI I've never tried this but heard it does yield good results from a LONG cure. Some type of berries would probably be the best, or maybe some dried kiwi? There's thousands of things you can use so give it a try ;) I've you've got a fat head stash there's no reason not to.


New Member
I ran out of jars once an dhad to use baby food jars to cure. The banana puree leaves a really pleasent taste and semll on the weed. Can;t attest for all the flavors. The smell stayed in the jar even tough ti cleaned them out with soap.


Well-Known Member
if you have smoked alot you will realize that if you leave you bag near something that had a strong odor it will pick up that flavor i accidently leaft a bag near another bag of incesnce once and it totally took over my weed i was tasting dragons blood incence every time i packed a bowl. hehe i would say if you want to flavor your weed just use something organic like a fruit peel and see what you get.I personally never like to mask the taste of organic homegrown its like nothing else. plus if i wanted to smoke and orange or an apple i would..


Well-Known Member
If you leave your bud in the swag bag to long it gets dried out so you

1. eat an orange

2. Get the peels

3. Place the nuggs on the peels

4. and try to conceal the bud in the orange and use clear tape

5. wait 5-10 mins

6. smoke orange flavored buds :)

ps DONT SOAK THE BUD or else it wont light


Active Member
I once found a small nug in my hamper right after folding my clothes... needless to say it tasted like berry flavored dryer sheets, lol.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
K im confused now.
some people say to not put orange peals in ur Jar becuase it will give tha buds mold!
I think I would get a glass jar with a rubber seel, put some bud in the jar, put tinfoil around the opeing then like push the tinfoil in so you can close the lid, then poke holes in it and put like mint leaves or crazy gum shit.


Well-Known Member
This is do-able. Also, If you try to just shave the zest off the orange, and leave the white pith behind, it will dry out long before it gives you mold. I used this trick if I get a sack thats too dry. Citrus zest is better than other Fruit I've tried (apples, pears), and Lime Zest is the best. You cant really tell what has been added, but it makes it smell fresh as hell. I say use a vegetable peeler, and put in a couple strips of lime zest, yumm!


Well-Known Member
Put orange peels in with your cured buds(works well with indica strains).KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
cure in those little round containers that you get gummy worms in like at walmart for a dollar makes your bud smell fruity as all hell and you can even taste it a little like the oils absorb into bud also orange peel in jars helps but gott make sure bud is really dry and watch for mold