curious question?


I have a couple plants from bagseed (but already exceeded my expectations). They are around 12 inches. Been growing for just about 4 1/2 weeks now. If i choose to flower them (12/12) will they continue to put on height? As well as bud?


Active Member
New to growing, but my 2 cents (as the americans would say) mine has shot right up since goin 12/12, they say it double's even tripples when in the flowering stage rember its anywhere between 6-12 weeks of flowering so yours is 1 foot now could be 3(+) foot time your finished


Well-Known Member
yes, them may grow to 42"+.

bag seed can be from large out door strains. or small indoor ones.

this is a strain for outdoor grows it used to be comon in this area.

I grew it with no veg time and did 12/12 from seed.

it's 52" on day 68

she was 42.8 grams dry weight.

this is the same strain i vegged to 18"



Active Member
I reackon as i was the first 1 to say it i deserve sum cred and randy rocket too as he provided pics lol