CuriousKinds, first (experiment/observational)

Yes I did receive your message! Definitely helps put my mind at esse a little. I guess once they dry out, say tomorrow, I'll adjust the feeding with an extra teaspoon of tiger bloom!
They both got fed today. I did add the extra tspn of tiger bloom to the mix, and instead of feeding them a half gallon each I ran a whole gallon through both. Hope this was the punch in the vag these ladies needed!

Well, I just loaded and sparked a bowl of some quick dried lower nodes, been drying for like 3 days I think. Really was expecting a mouthful of shit taste, but this stuff tastes really good. Really good. Fruity.
It has fan leaves about as big as my hand! I had to tie them down or else they cover up a very, very large area. Would it be worth pinching them off completely or just leave them tied down? Seems like a lot of vegetation to pluck away. They are like ship sails.

Pinch em off! Go for it, she'll grow tons more.
They look amazing by the way.
I agree with Lady H, great pics! Jeff Goldblum has an action figure? LMAO what movie is that from? Ghostbusters? Wait I don't think he was in GB. Jurassic Park? The Fly? Too funny man.
Lmao, that'sfrom the first jurassic park movie when I was a kid. Funny that I held onto a Jeff Goldblum action figure all these years, idk why.

Edit: Also, thank you for stopping by. :) Glad you like the pictures
Things seem to have slowed the past few days, or I've just been checking them too often, which is certainly the case. Anyways, really hoping they get a tad bigger before I have to chop them down, starting to think I've been feeding them way too lightly. I have been following the feeding schedule for my nutrients, but not sure if that's really geared towards cannabis. It seems like it is because its broken down pretty well and divided into the different weeks and photo periods.

Anyways, here are some pictures I just took of how small I think they are. Given that they have only been under 12/12 since May 1st, and it took the big plant about a week and a half to show signs, and the smaller one about 2 and a half. So all in all they may be well on their way, but I'm not certain since I grow under CFLs. Tell me what you think.

Just spotted my first few amber trichomes, interesting! Had to clip a small piece and put it under the microscope to see it decently.
I would say those still look quite a ways away yet. How many days are you again? Trimming the understuff around day 14-21 is a good thing to do, you are probably too far along now for it too make much difference. I would ignore amber trichs for now, wait till the calyx's swell and the pistils color and recede somewhat. They definitely look like they have a few weeks at least IMO.
The big plant vegged for 41 days, it's been under 12/12 for 33 days. The smaller plant vegged for about 30 days or so, same amount of time under 12/12.

Like I said though, it took a few weeks for them to show calyx pistils, since I had to force them to flower.
I'm just being impatient, lol. Need to settle down over here. Should I stick with feed-water-water, or go to feed-water-feed?

They are showing no signs of stress so I would definitely give it a feed-water-feed run and watch them. If they respond well keep going like that.

I tend to take trich colors with a grain of salt. It is hard at times to really see the trichs on the calyxes and the ones on the leaves seem to go amber quicker IME. I like to let the plant tell me by watching the pistils change and recede and the calyxes swelling. Many strains swell and bulk alot in the final 3 weeks, but too often many are cut down before they get the final week of ripening. Most strain recommendations for flowering time are for ideal conditions, I usually plan on 9-11 weeks on hybrids.
They are showing no signs of stress so I would definitely give it a feed-water-feed run and watch them. If they respond well keep going like that.

Watered them yesterday, let em dry out real good first. Hit them with some nutes after the soil was already wet. I adjusted the dosages again, one less tspn of Grow Big, trying to bring the N down slowly in conjunction with last weeks adding of more P & K.

I tend to take trich colors with a grain of salt. It is hard at times to really see the trichs on the calyxes and the ones on the leaves seem to go amber quicker IME. I like to let the plant tell me by watching the pistils change and recede and the calyxes swelling. Many strains swell and bulk alot in the final 3 weeks, but too often many are cut down before they get the final week of ripening. Most strain recommendations for flowering time are for ideal conditions, I usually plan on 9-11 weeks on hybrids.
