Curled Leaves/Missing Leaves - Would Like Opinions


Hi folks,

Still working on my first grow, so I'm watching everything with obsessive tendencies. I'd like some opinions on whether these plants are growing right since I'm starting to see some leaf curling. Also, the bottom leaves are odd. A few of them are missing growths (an MJ leaf should have 5 outgrowths).

Also, I just started nute'ing last night if that makes a difference (it's been 2 weeks since planting seedlings)




Well-Known Member
Looks great dude they are healthy. Take care with the nutes, use only vegetative nutes 1/2 of strengst and slowly work you way up. Do not use nutes every watering from the begining

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Outgrowths? If you mean fingers some have three, five, seven etc... Drug underworld...If you have a plant that is consistently missing a pinky It's a highbred from the NS. It was first developed in the eighties. It developes way faster than any pure bred strain and can flower and produce seeds in one Canadian season.


Thanks for the replies. Bird, I'm not sure what you mean by "If you have a plant that is consistently missing a pinky It's a highbred from the NS." Please elaborate. Thanks!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
In other words the heinz 57 cross has four, six, eight etc fingers on each leaf. It was cross bred from Jamacan and Columbian imported seeds in Nova Scotia , Canada in the mid eighties and is well adapted to the north.


Active Member
Never listen to a bird.. your plants are in big pots for there size and a little to wet. Gotta gradually wet um up. Leaflets vary in numbers, strain, genetics, environment all play roles. Let um dry out like above said and water conservatively around perimeter of pot.


Never listen to a bird.. your plants are in big pots for there size and a little to wet. Gotta gradually wet um up. Leaflets vary in numbers, strain, genetics, environment all play roles. Let um dry out like above said and water conservatively around perimeter of pot.
Sounds good. I used a moisture tester earlier and it registered in the bad zone i.e. too wet even though they have good drainage. My temp is around 80 consistently and RH is 50. Has to be the watering methinks.