Curled up leaves above dead ones


Good day
Second attempt, first one was a male plant. This one here is a royal gorilla by queen seeds. Picked it because of good genetics and it sprouted very well after two days. This time I have leaves that are curling up quick. 12hrs these leaves showed physical signs of something is not well here. Temp of water 18-23c I try to keep it as close to 18.
Nutes : Advance nutrients 3 part basic fertilizer
Voodoo juice just introduced this week
2 air pump in bucket
Sufficient light
With so low ppm in mixing the nutes in I just fill the res and dump 10 ml of each nute in the bucket. No special mix with water first then blend it easy in the res.
I’m curious to hear opinions from this forums.



Well-Known Member
Root rot. uh oh. Might be too much air being pumped I to the bucket. Heating it up or just maybe bringing in crap from the air. Tap water or RO? I'm assuming tap. If so, what ppm is it right out the tap?


Well-Known Member
You've got/had root rot but they seem to be recovering, not sure why you posted pics of the peroxide? But if you are going to use it you will be better off buying food grade 35% stuff and if using dont use the voodoo juice as the peroxide will kill the bennies so 1 or the other and not both, good luck!


Root rot. uh oh. Might be too much air being pumped I to the bucket. Heating it up or just maybe bringing in crap from the air. Tap water or RO? I'm assuming tap. If so, what ppm is it right out the tap?
Usually 110-140ppm from the tap. I add in AN and then magical + Voodoo.
What you say about the air is interesting because this is what different from last grow I had one air pump then but now I have two going in. The Temps got up to 28C and I had my AC Infinity go on auto to kick in higher then 70% and 28C this would allow the tent to cycle once every 5-10 mins.
Now I have running constantly to have a minor suck in from the tent. Present temp are 23C water temp is 19C.


You've got/had root rot but they seem to be recovering, not sure why you posted pics of the peroxide? But if you are going to use it you will be better off buying food grade 35% stuff and if using dont use the voodoo juice as the peroxide will kill the bennies so 1 or the other and not both, good luck!
Yeah I posted pick of the peroxide I currently use because i`m not sure if it`s the right one. Then you answered thx
Funny thing is that leaf wasn't curled up like that before lights came off yesterday. so In a periode of 6hrs. I was shocked.
I`ve dipped the roots in peroxide but hardly long enough I think 10 min top.


Well-Known Member
If your water temps got up high at one point, it could have done it to ya. Also, tap at 140 isn't in useable... But not great.
I'd invest in an RO system for $100 or so and start from a clean 0ppm slate. It allows you to eliminate any chance of problems from tap water pathogens or foreign minerals from causing headaches in your system.


Well-Known Member
Root rot, water levels higher then 21c and your in deep waters (no pun intended) lol
But yeah i would buy some SILVER BULLET HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and get that in your system ASAP, if you air pump is in ur tent get it out as it'll be blowing the hot air back into the water, act fast as root rot moves ever so fast and can kill a plant in less then 24 hours easy!!


I do have my air pumps above water level of my Res.. I don`t know why I have to do this because I would put it on the cement floor. What do you guy`s think?


Well-Known Member
I swear when I did my res change I kept my temps below 21. I’ve introduce Sensizyme to the batch with voodoo juice. The day after there was discolouration I was discouraged I was thinking maybe I should add in bud candy to give the bactérie something to wake them up and eat. But I held back. This morning I woke up to this
I was going to suggest could be stain on roots but the 1st pictures looked like root rot, are they slimey? Breaking off easy?
Any smell?


I was going to suggest could be stain on roots but the 1st pictures looked like root rot, are they slimey? Breaking off easy?
Any smell?
I just washed it under the shower hose. 50% of the coloration went out. No smell really, no slime at all. Called the hydro store told them I was using AN except B52. He told me I need enzymes. I’m then I said Introduced Sensizyme 2 days ago. He suggested some other enzyme forgot the name.



Well-Known Member
I just washed it under the shower hose. 50% of the coloration went out. No smell really, no slime at all. Called the hydro store told them I was using AN except B52. He told me I need enzymes. I’m then I said Introduced Sensizyme 2 days ago. He suggested some other enzyme forgot the name.
I've only ever had root rot once and i used silver bullet which is just a dosed up hydrogen peroxide but it kills 99.9% of pathogens in the res and on roots, i swear by it and i always use it in my system even if I don't have rootrot


Well-Known Member
I do have my air pumps above water level of my Res.. I don`t know why I have to do this because I would put it on the cement floor. What do you guy`s think?
you put them above so that if power goes out, it wont' auto siphon back into the pump and ruin it.