Curling, leathery sick new growth leaves

I need help, having problems with plants in veg. leathery, frumpled?, curling down, only on new growth. here's specs - indoor hydro, 6" grodan cubes, house n garden nutes, 62-72 degree room, water temp 57F, hum 60-75%, 1k lite at least 4' away(in veg). I first saw this problem in late october and am leaning toward cold air or water. I've been using H&G for years and never seen this, but we're in a new room. It has A/C and dehumidifier. Anyone seen this before?

well ok, 160 views and no replies. is it worded poorly, confusing, not enuf information? uncle mike is a bad name? lookin for some help please


Active Member
looks like you are cooking them with that light i have 400w and i keep it a foot off the canopy and its air cooled radiant heat is still a factor


Well-Known Member
Water temp may be an issue. that pick reminds me of the frozen spinach my wife likes so much.


Active Member
How fast has the growth been lately? 57F is getting cold you should try for atleast 20C (68F) you can get away with temps around 60F but growth will slow down.

Also, What's your PH? And do you have multiple plants per reservoir? are you seeing the same problems with every plant?

I can't see nute burn, but I may be missing something,
What if I mixed the fluoramite too strong? I sprayed them just before they went goofy. 30 drops per liter, don't know how I could have messed it up but what if?