Curling leaves..... HELP


I know there are a lot of different pics of curling leaves but I could not find one that was exactly like mine. I will try to answer some of the basic questions. I just transplanted from one gallon to 5 gallons pots. I follow the House and Garden nuts pretty close. I have been fighting with these damn thrips for about a month now!! SOB's!! Anyways, I am done vegging as of tomorrow. I meant to transplant much sooner, but just got too busy and hope I didn't do damage. The roots were pretty root bound! Some were circling around the pot. I keep my Ph at about 6.4-6.8. PPM on the water I keep at about 1500. I don't keep them too moist or too dry. I am about a year and a half new to growing, gotta love Cali!:weed:~ Anyways, the leaves on the bottom of the plant, the new ones, came in curling and some died. I pinched them off. I am hoping that this is a sign of root lock and once they bounce back, they will be ok. I will attach some pics of a few. I had also had some silvery damage from the thrip! If any of you have dealt with them, you know what a bitch they are. Anyways, I am thinking that my plants were not getting enough nuts and that is what is wrong with these leaves. They have been in their 5 gal pots now for 3 days. I am doing house and garden nuts~ Soil A/B 10ml/gal~~~ drip clean .4 ml/gal~~~~ roots excel 1.1 ml/gal~~~~ algen extract 1.1 ml/gal~~~ calmag 5 ml/gal~~~ and then a sweetner, carbo load, from Advanced Nutrients that I just started yesterday. I also got these plants a tweens, which also worries me cuz they seemed very picked/cleaned up and not sure what the hell the history of them are. I am going to start cannazyme tonight. One more thing, when I transplanted them, I used Roots Organics by Aurora. Anyways, wanted to know if anyone can help me out. I am hoping they are not a lost cause and should start over. Maybe there is a root disease? Just not sure because I got these so old, we were told they were tweens so not sure the exact age. My husband is disabled and I am trying to do this to help him out and have been pretty successful in the past so ANY help is really appreciated!! I have seen some friends lose their entire crop and would hate for that to happen. Look forward to hearing from any one that can help me.



I am not new to this forum, I usually read posts and get info from it and this is one of the first posts I have posted. I looked under my name and saw it said "Stranger"? Why is that? Is it because I haven't posted much? I am not a stranger to all of this, so just curious. Also, does anyone know if I can change my name on here? My husband was the one who made the account and I use it so just wondering. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
The coloring on the leaves almost looks like a phosphorous deficiency I think. Just the edges are turning yellow, leaving the centers and veins green, with down turned leaves. However, since you just did transplants, it's possible it's just a bit of shock and some PH lock with the new soil. Whatever you decide, don't go doing too much at once. We tend to overreact when our babies are in trouble and we cause more damage that what was originally diagnosed.

Good luck. Maybe some other ideas will come up.


Well-Known Member
looks like p.h lockout 4 sure. and as stated above also looks like a little bit of phosphorous def probaly b/c of the lockout.


Thanks for the response! When you say Ph lockout, I am not sure that is it. I am fairly new to this, a year and a half, but I keep my Ph under 7 and I have also used drip clean. Is it possible it is from the soil that they were in before, because for the last month, I have no idea what soil they were planted in. I am thinking that they were not getting nutes because of the roots being so locked. The new growth is looking better, but I am hoping that they pull through this. If it is ph lockout, what should I do? Serapis, I know, it is hard not to start doing a bunch of stuff, I am trying to leave them alone. I am hoping that the transplant will do them good. Also, if is is a phos. def., what do I do or how do I check that? Thanks again guys! I really appreciate it! brickedup, it says you are 'way nor cal'. I am also up in that area. Gotta love Cali!!


Anyone know about the PH lock out? I am wondering if the transplant will help? I figure if I have transplanted them, they should be able to absorb the nutes better, right? I need to start flowering and also wanted to know if I can or should I wait until I have all this figured out? I am about a month late as it is and need to ASAP. Also, the new growth looks beautiful and green but the older leaves, especially the fan leaves, still have the light green color on the inside. Will they get better or stay that way? IF anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it!! I was re reading my last post and when I said "Thanks guys", it sounded weird , but being a girl, that is how we talk , sorry if that sounded a little feminine, but on here you can't tell sex so just letting you guys (and girls) know, lol! Back to my issues, if anyone knows about any of this, I would really appreciate the info, I am just wondering if I need to keep investing the time or call it a loss. I am going to try to put a recent pic up to show you. Thanks!!!


Thanks so much for the chart. The hydro shop gave me one once and I lost it. I printed it out. When it says "Proper soil range", should I check the soil along with the ph of the water? I have checked the run off a few times but not the soil. In the "Nutrient Avail." I don't do my nutes separate, I use the house and garden chart and it has always been awesome! Are you familiar with that line? I am hoping all these problems are caused from the roots being so locked up and that they weren't getting the nutes I was giving them. Usually if you follow the chart on the house and garden, it all falls in line. I do use some other stuff to supplement. I know this may sound stupid, but how do I exactly read the chart on the right? Do I use the 2 together? Thanks!!


Ok, we have been keeping the ph at 6.8 consistently and doing 'all the right things', it seems and the leaves seemed better. The turned greener but now they are cupping and from what I read, that is a nutrient problem. We are following the house and garden to a T and are being conservative so I just don't understand!! We are about 3 weeks past when we were going to flower and don't want to flower if they are 'sick'. I am going to take new pics tomorrow. I am doing nutrients every other watering so I know I am not over doing it on the nutrients. Can ANYONE help a girl out here!!:LOL But serious. PLEASE!!!!! Thanks!


Active Member
I have to say your ph is still to high you need to flush with ph 6. Natural rain water has a ph of 5.6 so why would you ph to 6.8 thats way to high. Plants like it more acidic than you think. I've had my best plants grow in soil thats ph'ed to 5.9 to 6.1 in soil. I use dolmite lime which is great for cal\mag and keeps the ph stable. Never had a cal\mag lock out with a ph of 5.9 to 6.1 in my soil, so i have a hard time trusting that chart.