Curling leaves, what should I do?


Active Member
I few weeks ago I noticed I the new growths were getting really curly, I assumed it was fertilizer salts stuck in the hydroton so I gave it 2 teaspoons of Florakleen per gallon of water. This is the 5th day of using the Florakleen and some of the leaves are starting to resemble normal leafs but There is still a lot of really messed up ones that keep growing that way. Could there be another problem for this curling?

The temps I keep it at are 79-81 fahrenheit during the day and around 66 at night, which i'm getting a heater for soon.



Well-Known Member
Too much nitrogen causing claw leaves

Flush (u did) and feed with reduced nitrogen and increased phosphorus.

Existing claw leaves won't fix watch new growth.


Active Member
I planted the seed 40 days ago and the last nutrient mix I gave it before flushing was the late growth dosage for General Hydroponics flora series.