curling leaves


Active Member
im in week 4 of my girls and all the leaves look really healthy but the tips all point down, just the very tip tho. very green, no brown or yellow. please respond


Active Member
I have the same issue on oner of my plants. It is about 4 weeks old as well and has a few leaves in the middle and on the bottom of the plant where the tips of the leaves are curled down. Very healthy green on them but they just seem to curl. I saw a pic in the grow bible of a plant that was a lot older than mine that had a similar issue and it said that it was sensitive to fertilizer and did this with a slight overdose of it. I haven't really feed my plant much but it could be super sensitive to food I guess! Other than that I cant see where it says anything about this.


Well-Known Member
tips look kind a burned to me, so did you fertilize lately since you are in week four on soil? if you did so, did you went full strength and checked the pH of the solution you fed? and if, what was the composition of the nutes?