Curling yellowing seedlings


These plants are almost 3 weeks old so I would say the growth is def stunted. 2 of the plants that look the worst starting curling and then yellowing. The better looking one is curling a little and the very smallest leaf on bottom is yellowing. And although they look really moist its cuz i just misted them.

As of now i have 3 55watt 2700k CFL and 1 26watt 5000k CFL, they are all put in regular organic dirt. and watered according when they are really dry according to moisture meter. temp is 75-81 and humdity 20% on 24 hour light schedule. No nutes yet.


one looks like it needs nitrogen, 2 looks to close to the light,or got misted when lights were on.3 looks o.k, maybe ready for low dose of nutes.


Well-Known Member
I always mist when lights are on. I use 46W CFL (130W output), keeping them 3 inches from plants, and I always mist them with the lights on since lights are on 24/7 :) this never happened to me
water is like a magnifying glass, leaving water on them while the lights are on will cause that burn and yellowing. Everything needs a rest. roots grow in the dark period. Try giving them 4 hrs rest and watch em grow. I only mist clones and that's when there in a humidity dome


Well-Known Member
well I'm experimenting with things. I mix a bit of nutes on my mist water, and other nutes in the water I use for watering. So far they are all doing great. I mist the leaf about 3-4 times a day.


Well-Known Member
umm read up my friend, I ALWAYS do that with lights on. I'm putting together a little movie + pics and will release it at harvest time. I hope it will be nice, but you will see, there will be parts where I mist under lit light bulb...


Well-Known Member
umm read up my friend, I ALWAYS do that with lights on. I'm putting together a little movie + pics and will release it at harvest time. I hope it will be nice, but you will see, there will be parts where I mist under lit light bulb...
Can you be specific about your misting, is this with a spray bottle or a proper mister that plugs in and looks like a puck of sorts, I am not clued up on it but have done surface research and have read that water particle size is very important. What size it needs to be I have no idea but a household bottle mister I know does not produce a droplet small enough and bare in mind these are very young seedlings..?

Although if you say you have done numerous grows with this technique then perhaps you could share this photographic evidence of the said tech. I for one have just started misting vegging plants with a bottle and have seen worse looking leaves under lights on I think because of it, this is PH balanced water and little else. I am happy to be proved otherwise and will look for your results with eagerness but I am sceptical.


one looks like it needs nitrogen, 2 looks to close to the light,or got misted when lights were on.3 looks o.k, maybe ready for low dose of nutes.
(correction that is the quote i think is right)

thanks that's kinda what i was thinking based off of research

if switching lighting to 20/4 doesnt help will switching back to 24hrs be bad for the plant?
(correction that is the quote i think is right)

thanks that's kinda what i was thinking based off of research

if switching lighting to 20/4 doesnt help will switching back to 24hrs be bad for the plant?
i use 20 on and 4 off, that's fine,everything needs sleep. try and be consistent with light times.