


At first I thought it was new growth but its not...Just has one single leaf and turns in on its self almost like the leaves are stuck unfolding thanks for any help


Welp sure didnt wanna hear that what happen you think? So I can avoid this next time Im new to water was doin ok then this happen Thanks


And this is happening to 5 of the bunch all on same table rest look good so Id like to stop what ever is going on if I can

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
And this is happening to 5 of the bunch all on same table rest look good so Id like to stop what ever is going on if I can
What is your ec or ppm levels. It might just be bad genetics of a couple of your seeds. Sometimes too many nutes can twist new growth.


I been having problems with my nutes they go up as the week goes on I been adding new water to control it as much as I can. ppm start of the week 40 gal starting fresh 800 but it climbs 100-150 every day some time high as 1300 . I start with cuttings 3 strains but you are correct I believe they are all the same strain. They are only a week or so away from flower.


Well-Known Member
If your ppm is going up it means you are starting with too much nutes. The plants are taking more water that nutes. Lower ppm to around 600


Ok I got some clearex I have been changing the res every week didnt know I should wash with clearex every other week and run for 2 days correct?


Ok Its been one day so I drained and started fresh got the ppm at 620... Super So you think the ones that curled are done for?


Well-Known Member
No big deal bro! I've seen the same thing happen before. Just wait and watch the fun. All the other leaves should be fine. I would triple check for pests though. If you have something eating one side of a baby leaf the other side keeps growing and creates the spiral you are seeing. Yours is probably a birth defect though...

Also, as the plants use water, your res level will drop. As the water is used up the ratio of nutes to water changes so you PPM always goes up until you add the same amount of water the plants used. Draw a line on your res and fill it to the same spot every time. Then check your PPM after the res is full. If everything is correct then you should see the PPM drop a little. When that happens just add more nutes and you're good to go.

I run my PPM level based on what I see happening with the plants. Every strain is different. Some strains like a ton of nutes and some freak out with just a normal amount. On my current grow I have some plants that are light green and want more nutes than I'm giving them. In the exact same mix I have other plants that are showing signs of over-fertilization. And just like that bitch Goldilocks, some of the plants are just right:weed:!