Current card renewal time (online)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys figured I would share my experience: I recently renewed my cards online as s full fee patient changing physicians (form was signed, not chart notes) and removing caregiver. They processed my payment of fees and gave me a 30 day receipt at 9pm on the 29th, and by the time I looked at 1pm on the 31st my new cards were issued. Holy crap! I totally recommend renewing this way (and you earn credit card points ;) ) go ommp for something that actually makes our life better (who would have thunk it!)
(small addendum: the cards were then delivered to nearly the furthest possible distance in oregon from salem on the 3rd. Definitely a rousing success from my point of view.)
Hey guys figured I would share my experience: I recently renewed my cards online as s full fee patient changing physicians (form was signed, not chart notes) and removing caregiver. They processed my payment of fees and gave me a 30 day receipt at 9pm on the 29th, and by the time I looked at 1pm on the 31st my new cards were issued. Holy crap! I totally recommend renewing this way (and you earn credit card points ;) ) go ommp for something that actually makes our life better (who would have thunk it!)
SOUNDS GREAT AND ALL, BUT BY DOING IT THIS WAY YOU ARE CUTTING OUT THE LITTLE GUYS WHO BASICALLY STARTED MEDICAL MARIJUANA TO BEGIN WITH... The state has taken over what was ours to begin with and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. If you want a real down to earth experience and to support your friends and neighbors renew with a small mom and pop business such as Chronic Care. We have been here since the beginning of Medical Marijuana, and the state and other local clinics have begun to slowly take business away from us and pretty soon we wont exist anymore. So if you are OK with that, then fine... The state wins.

I wouldn't think I'd need to say this here, but dude, you really need to smoke something.

Not sure why this is hard to get (had this discussion yesterday with a friend) but renewing online is just (wait for it) NOT MAILING IN THE PAPERWORK. You (patient X) still has to acquire their paperwork be it from their (oregon licensed) GP, their (oregon licensed) local card mill, or their (oregon licensed) local "mom and pop" business. The only difference between traditional renewal and online renewal are: one can pay the processing fee/grower fees with a credit card rather than a check, one don't have to use postage / a return receipt / obsess over where it is in the path, and they *have* to scan in all of the paperwork that would have been mailed in. For someone with my style of anxiety, this would actually be a no brainer if it cost more as opposed to actually costing less (I already have a scanner.)

Marketing wise: Now, if being a mom and pop renewal store you wanted to go the extra step for your clients I would (strongly) suggest instead of railing against the existence of a state run website (that people likely needed to sign up for anyways to track their medicine or for OCD purposes for us self growers that don't transfer anything anywhere.) You could scan in their paperwork and give them a thumb drive with it on it (size should be under 30megs, my packet was 11) that advertises your business (cost to you depending on client load would be equivalent to return receipt 1st class postage if you buy the small thumb drives in bulk.) If you opt for 1gig drives they'll likely be used more frequently but the cost goes up...

In closing, the only people I'm cutting out by renewing online instead of via mail is the US post office, which had nothing to do with medical marijuana (and actively are opposed to marijuana buds and seeds in the mail so I'm ok cutting them out in favor of my sanity and a significantly quicker renewal process.)
I’d like to support mom and pop places but really!! I went to MAMA for years, I paid them $200+ To get a signature my doctor offered to sign during a yearly visit for free! Then it was a matter of uploading two or three (can’t remember) documents and paying $200 and bam. I’m done!
I think it’s not so much the state taking your business away as it is more licensed physicians understanding the benefits of cannabis.
One of my past patients cut his pain meds by 2/3 and his doctor said I can’t argue with those results and signed his physicians statement.
There needs to be a way to streamline your system especially when having your family doctor who already has your files and costs $200 less!