Current climatic conditions

I live on the North coast of Wa, the rivers are at record lows, all the trees are stressed,
smoke in the air and it's finally fucking RAINING!!! Maybe, Salmon won't have to walk up the rivers..
We're 12" below normal rainfall..
I live on the North coast of Wa, the rivers are at record lows, all the trees are stressed,
smoke in the air and it's finally fucking RAINING!!! Maybe, Salmon won't have to walk up the rivers..
We're 12" below normal rainfall..
My river is flirting with the low water stage. And it rained every day this summer. Our dry season starts in September. So the dry is normal. The freeze in October is not. Christmas is common for my first killing frost.
The news reminded me the last November storm was Kate in 1985. Mamma and Daddy had gone to Co Springs to be with Sister for the birth of my niece, leaving care of the farm to me and my aunt. It was a pretty bad blow. I was living in the house by the pond at the time. The driveway is about half a mile long, and there was over 30 trees across the drive the next morning.

This little one had more wind and rain than I figured. Just under an inch so far. Wind gusts up to 35mph, but it's mostly past now. Wind is still strong, but not much rain left. At 1945 there is light rain, 64F with 96% humidity. Forecast low high of 62/77F with 90% chance of rain tonight, and 15% tomorrow. Cold front on the way. Down in the 30's Monday morning.
The news reminded me the last November storm was Kate in 1985. Mamma and Daddy had gone to Co Springs to be with Sister for the birth of my niece, leaving care of the farm to me and my aunt. It was a pretty bad blow. I was living in the house by the pond at the time. The driveway is about half a mile long, and there was over 30 trees across the drive the next morning.

This little one had more wind and rain than I figured. Just under an inch so far. Wind gusts up to 35mph, but it's mostly past now. Wind is still strong, but not much rain left. At 1945 there is light rain, 64F with 96% humidity. Forecast low high of 62/77F with 90% chance of rain tonight, and 15% tomorrow. Cold front on the way. Down in the 30's Monday morning.
About the same here in Oklahoma... 80 today with rain showers, tomorrow morning will be in the 20's... we get about 3 days of Fall.
I can already walk on my dugout up here. Was -25C/~8belowF last night but warmed up to a balmy -12C/10F tonight. Bit more snow forecast for tomorrow night but only 2 - 4" with about 4" on the ground now.

It's like the weather has flipped here with all the heavy snow and cold down south and better, milder weather up here but I'm not bitching. :)

Still have to get out on the dugout and install the new air diffuser I just got last week after I screwed my back up. Hopefully I can borrow my neighbour's little boat and sit in the back of that to get it done. I'll need his pickup too so I can get it here. Called today to get a trailer hitch installed on my Saturn Vue but that won't be done for maybe 2 weeks when they can squeeze me in. Then look for a cheap utility trailer and a little boat of my own. Something I can use an electric trolling motor with and go fishing a bit next year.

Yes, might go drive up to see it tonight. Crazy crowds though

yeah i've been reading and watching about it.....they're afraid the road that goes east to west might get cut off. Just becareful if u do...k

no cooking hot dogs or can chilli that with the iceland eruption....crowds gather cooking and stuff...
yeah i've been reading and watching about it.....they're afraid the road that goes east to west might get cut off. Just becareful if u do...k

no cooking hot dogs or can chilli that with the iceland eruption....crowds gather cooking and stuff...

They aren't letting people go that close to the flow lol. The Saddle Road is a main highway to make quick trips across the island, a ton of people use it to commute to work, if the road gets covered they will have to go the long way along the coast which adds ~40mins to your trip and if there is an accident and they have to close the road you aren't going anywhere.
It's currently 79F here on the Sandhill, with 78% humidity. Today's high/low was 96/75F. No chance of rain on the 10 day. We could use it. I've been spending a good deal of time in Tally, and they were getting rain everyday. But by the time I got a few miles from the house, it would stop.

This was from a few days ago. The heat index was 128F. And that was really late in the afternoon.

hot weather.png
Here in northern Colorado, overnight lows dropped to 48 a few days ago. For most of the summer they've been in the low 60s. Daytime highs have ranged from low 70s and rain to 97 Monday afternoon.

Today's high was 89 and the low looks to be 65.
Here on the Sandhill it's 80F with 84% humidity. The high/low was 96/70F. The ten day high/low is pretty fucked, at 102/73F with the first chance of rain coming next Saturday.
Today was 62 this morning and 86 for a high, still close to that. No rain in the forecast for a few days, supposed to be back in the 90s for several days starting tomorrow.